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Education Class: Opportunity To Present Or Argue Out Our Perceptions

Essay Instructions:

You will be writing a different kind of essay in which you will use concepts and terms from the assigned readings to analyze a specific class. To do so, you will need to choose a particular educational situation and use critical terms and concepts to analyze that situation.

Step One (one or two paragraphs):

Choose a class you are taking now or have recently taken. Describe the class in detail. What are class meetings like (e.g. lecture, discussion, group work)? How does the professor interact with students in class?

What kinds of activities take place in-class or outside of class? What kinds of assignments or assessments are there in the class? (It can be a class you liked, disliked, or didn't have a strong opinion about)

Step Two (one or two paragraphs):

Using concepts, terms, and quotations from Paolo Freire and the other authors we have read this term, analyze the class you have described. Is the class based in a “Banking” or “Problem-solving” model? What would Freire say about the class? What ideas from the other course readings can you connect with the class you describe?

Step Three (one paragraph):

Describe your experience in the class and the affect of the class format on you and your learning process. You may also want to include information on how the class affected your peers. The goal in this paragraph is to think about the effects of the particular educational format. (The effects may be positive, negative, or both)

Step Four (one paragraph):

Consider the overall result of your analysis. Does your analysis lead you to agree or disagree with Freire or another author we have read this term? Does your analysis allow you to make recommendations for how a course might be improved or allow you to identify things that other courses should adopt?
In other words, what have you learned from your analysis and why is it important?

Step Five (one paragraph):

Write an introduction to your essay that draws the reader in, introduces the topic, and includes a three-level thesis statement. (We'll study the three-level thesis statement in class)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
As a student, one is never expected to question the system of learning or to echo any sentiments which might be out of the ordinary. Apparently, in an environment where students are being taught autonomy, it is considered a crime or behavior outside the norm to consider anything out of the ordinary. While in class, some teachers seem to encourage us to express ourselves freely while others are highly critical of us when we showcase any aggressiveness. As a child, one longs for school and for me crying was my way of letting those around me that I wanted to join my older siblings. I pictured the freedom I would have and the many questions I would ask my teachers the moment I set foot in class. My mind was filled with a myriad of ideas and curios statements and questions which seemed relevant at the time. These ideas and questions made life interesting for me because they were original and I felt entitled to them. Given the opportunity, I felt like I would also educate my teachers and share with them all the wild ideas I had no matter how silly. One way or the other I knew my world was different and that I had something to contribute. However, when finally my wish was granted, and I was taken to school, I realized that education is not as I thought it would be and that my ideas and thoughts were better left and locked in my brain. While my idea of school was never tainted, my reality of the same was altered mainly because I found it restrictive or obstructive instead of empowering.
The subject of this article is my education class. The reasons why I chose this class will seem evident later as I continue to elucidate further and to go deeper into the workings of this class. First of all, the professor is quite gifted and is not a man many can challenge especially when it comes to matters of this class. While I like how he delivers the message, so far, I have failed to develop a strong opinion about this class. First of all, the class meetings are not boring, and this is not to say they are interactive but that the professor commands a listenership that only a few can conjure. Everyone wants to be seated before he enters the room and any interruptions are often met with jeers. However, while we do make use of discussions and group-works, most of the time these have become a platform to marvel at the professor’s delivery. In class, the professor tries as much as he can to involve us by asking questions and making sure we are taking part. From time to time, we have seen glimpses of the professor’s anger or discontent when he is questioned or when challenged by students. While there are no outside activities which are associated with this class, the professor is always willing to be a part of any activities we have as a class.
When it comes to assignments or assessments in class, we have the conventional homework which can be a task in reading or researching something. We also have written assignments which can range from reflection essays to response essays where we are expected to comment or offer our sentiments on certain issues. Other times we are also given the opportunity to present or argue out our perceptions in front of the class. While I would not and have never been absent for this class, I cannot objectively say that I liked or disliked it.
One thing that often seems prevalent in a majority of schools today is the idea of conformity and that everyone ought to receive and interpret information the same way. Authors like Paulo Freire were vocal in their disdain of this kind of teaching and/or learning. Most of the time, teachers or professors want to be offered nothing but...
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