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Murdoch’s Example Involving “M”: Significance of Love in Morality

Essay Instructions:

Write a short (500-600-word) essay on one of the topics below.

1. Discuss what Sartre means by “abandonment.” Do you agree that we are abandoned in the way he describes? Why or why not?

2. What is Murdoch’s example involving “M” supposed to show? Do you think it shows it?

3. Murdoch writes, “If I attend properly I will have no choices and this is the ultimate condition to be aimed at” (38). Do you agree?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Significance Of Love in Morality
Love can be compelled by impression or perception, and it can make a person atrocious or selfless. According to Murdoch, love is an individual's perception, and it is exceedingly difficult to recognize that something besides a personal view is real. She describes the theory of love as involving knowledge, discovery or perception of a person and reality. Murdoch illustrates this with the 'M' example in which a mother-in-law, 'M,' expresses hatred towards the daughter-in-law, 'D.' M finds D fairly a kindhearted girl but lacking nobility and polishing. She finds her lively, cheeky, indelicate, juvenile, and unmannerly (Murdoch). Over time M settles with a fixed sense of objection and resentment towards D. Nevertheless, after self-criticism, reproaches and just attention, she sees herself bias and illiberal. She contemplates and reflects on her judgment of D until her perception is changed slowly. Eventually, she sees D as being just a simple and delightful girl.
Murdoch describes M's transformation as 'lovingly.' Her transformation illustrates moral transition by showing how M's moral standing improves, and her views of D's otherwise biased traits become better. This case of M attempts to demonstrate the moral importance of understanding others more openly and positively through renewed attention. She also tries to demonstrate that an individual's attitude can affect their judgments and make one biased or loving towards another person. Murdoch uses this story to show how moral transition can be inner change and not facilitated by an...
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