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Cherish the moments that are Golden

Essay Instructions:
This is a compare and contrast essay comparing the poem "Nothing Gold can Stay" by Robert Frost and the song "Stay God" by Stevie Wonder". Compare and Contrast various literary elements including the theme in the poem. Make sure that the poem and song share a similar idea for example, both are about hope, love or etc. 1. Introduction: introduce the poem, song, poet, and song's writer and state your thesis. Because the essay will contain more than one main idea, your thesis may be more than one sentence. Be sure to state the common idea that runs through the poem and song. 2. Information on poet/song writer: briefly describe the poet's and song writer's relevant biographical information and state any situation from their lives that may have prompted her/him to to write the poem or song. make sure you cite correctly and remember this portion of the essay should NOT be lengthy. 3. Compare/contrast poem and song: in the next few paragraphs, compare, contrast, and discuss some of the following elements: imagery, symbolism, voice, tone, word choice, word order, figures of speech, sound, and how any of these devices contribute the overall tone or meaning of the poem or song. 4. Interpretation: discuss your interpretation of the poem and song. I think the poem and song tells how life goes by so quickly and to enjoy the days that are golden and try to remember to make the best of the time given to us. 5. Conclusion: what do the poem and song reveal about life and/or the human condition. 6. Use 4 outside sources to help support your claims, and quote and cite sources in the essay at least 4.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cherish the moments that are Golden
"Everything that has a beginning has an end" (The Matrix Revolutions, 2003), so simple a phrase yet so weighty a meaning. In its core, it represents the basic truth of all life that nothing does last forever. Then again, while there is the beginning and the end, we find that what`s in-between is more of a concern. In the poem, Nothing Gold can Stay, Robert Frost portrays the transition evident in nature - not just the human aspect but life in general. Inspired by this CITATION Din05 \l 1033 (Smith, 2005), Stevie Wonder creates one of his remarkable pieces, Stay Gold, implicating the reality that while the journey ends, it is not without meaning. Indeed, we cannot last forever and though that may be true, at the end of the day, we find that it is not the end of the journey with which we should worry ourselves about; rather, it is what we do with that journey itself that we should be thinking about. Life in itself is not what matters but what we make of it is what makes it worth living.
Frost`s profound inspiration for the poem, Nothing Gold can Stay, did not come to him at random nor did it hit him altogether at one time. While he is a man of talent and vision on his own, other such external circumstances have as well helped in molding the artist that he is. Through his life, he has gone through ‘devastating losses`, including his two sisters, his children and his wife CITATION CDM06 \l 1033 (Merriman, 2006). Subsequently, "…[his] poems also transcend the boundaries of time and place with metaphysical significance and modern exploration of human nature in all her beauty and contradictions" CITATION CDM06 \l 1033 (Merriman, 2006). No wonder then that as he portrays life in nature - particularly in his piece, Nothing Gold can Stay, - he does it with grace and simplicity.
Meanwhile, though Stevie Wonder`s Stay Gold was inspired by Frost`s masterpiece, the composition`s substance is tackled from a different perspective as, after all, his life had taken a far separate course from the other. He was born blind but he grew up to be a musical genius. His handicap didn`t stop him from becoming one of music history`s legends. What makes him distinguished as an artist is that through his music, he tackles ‘socially conscious subjects` CITATION bio11 \l 1033 (bio, 2011). Hence, in Stay Gold, he explores the beauty of life in spite of its inevitable end.
Comparing both pieces, we find that carry the same message albeit in different lights. For instance, Robert Frost`s approach on it takes a rather sad and tone as he elaborates how the beauty of life starts but ultimately is met with its end or death. This is also apparent in lines such as:
Then leaf subsides to leaf/
So Eden sank to grief,/
So dawn goes down to day/
Nothing gold can stay.
Notice how he makes use of words that are with somewhat a less positive connotation - ‘subsides`, ‘sank`, ‘down`, and ‘nothing`.
On the other hand, Stevie Wonder`s interpretation of it is on the grounds of optimism, particularly highlighting the idea that despite the inevitability of us getting old, we can still manage to maintain our youth and innocence - not physically, but in our hearts. For example, in one stanza, he says:
Life is but a twinkling of an eye/
Yet filled with sorrow and compassion/
though not imagined/
All things that happen/
Will age too old/
Though gold.
For this stanza, he may mean that though life is short and filled with difficulty and sometimes pain, we find...
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