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Modern Christianity versus Pre-Christian Greeks and Romans

Essay Instructions:

Read the selections on Perpetua and Felicitas; from Augustine; and from Benedict. For these readings, consider how Christianity changed the individual's relationship to government and family compared to the world of the pre-Christian Greeks and Romans.
Perpetua: How do Perpetua and the other martyrs relate to their families; to each other; and to the Roman authorities/soldiers? What might that tell us about the place of Christianity in Roman society before it was legalized?
Augustine: (One note: the Visigoths were Christians, though unlike Augustine and most Romans they were Arian Christians.) What reasons does Augustine give for thinking that Christianity works better as a religion for Rome than paganism had? How might the new religion have changed the nature or ideals of governance in the Roman world?
Benedict: How would you describe the society Benedict is trying to create in his monastery? Any thoughts on how this might have compared to life outside the monastery walls?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
  Modern Christianity versus Pre-Christian Greeks and Romans  Student
Perpetua and Felicitas
The Roman Empire usually persecuted the early Christians because they were seen as a threat to the ruling class. The Romans saw their assertion that another King should be worshiped to call for a revolution to the Roman Empire's rule. Additionally, Christians were not respectful of the ancestral pagan worship, which influenced how they related to their families, each other, and the Roman authorities (Heffernan 5). The martyrs such as Perpetua had a very close relationship among themselves. The people who renounced their pagan beliefs and decided to follow the teaching of Christ were persecuted by the authorities. The Christians needed to have a close relationship to make sure they stayed firm in their religion. However, the relationship of Perpetua and other martyrs was not close when it came to their families.
A majority of the people in the Roman Empire were not pro Christianity, and having family members who were Christians was seen as a way of embarrassing the family. It was hard for Christians, therefore, to have a close relationship with their family members. The relationship between Perpetua and other martyrs with the authorities was frosty. The Roman authorities did not like the teachings of the Christians because they believed it was undermining the King (Heffernan 7). Therefore, the soldiers were used to harras and, at times, kill the people who converted to Christianity. Christians in
Roman society, before religion was legalized, had a hard time living a peaceful life. A person had to either hid their belief or risk being killed by the Roman authorities. However, the spread of Christianity among the people changed the way Christians were treated as the authority stopped seeing Christians as a threat.
Augustine believed that Christianity would work best as a religion for the Romans compared to paganism. Augustine has given why Christianity will work better for the Romans than paganism because there is life after death. People who die will either go to heaven or hell, depending on their actions on earth. Therefore, Augustin believed that if people in Rome were Christians, their actions would change because they would know a supernatural being watched over them. Additionally, Augustine believed that the laws that have been se...
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