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Minimum wages

Essay Instructions:

Research Report 1 – Brainstorming Topic Ideas

Take some time and do some brainstorming. Think about topics that you are interested in and write down as many as you can. As you write down ideas, list what you would write about for each topic. This will help you generate and develop ideas for your writing this semester. Keep in mind that you are writing an argumentative paper, so you need to have a topic and an argumentative stance that you will take on the topic.

Next, take your brainstorming list of ideas and narrow it down to 3 potential topics and complete the following assignment. Make sure you read the list of banned topics for the course before completing this assignment.

1. List 3 topics that you are interested in writing about this semester. And yes, you must list 3.

2. For each topic, write one to two paragraphs explaining why this topic interests you, why it would be important and relevant to share with others, and the argumentative stance you would take on the subject.

3. For each topic, list at least 2 research sources that you know are available on the subject. This will require you to go to the Auraria Library database and do a keyword search on each topic.

Hint: If you do not know how to do a keyword search on a subject, go to the web links page within the course and click on the “Navigating Library Research” link to complete the tutorial. This tutorial will help you learn how to conduct research using the library database.

*Keep in mind that you will be selecting one topic to write about all semester, so if you have problems finding research on your subject, that may be a sign that you need to select another topic.

Assignment Specifications:

Length: 2 to 3 pages

Format: This assignment must be typed in 12 point font (Arial or Verdana) and be double spaced.

Make sure your assignment contains your name, the course number and section, the date, and the assignment description in the upper left hand corner of your paper. This information should be double spaced.

Your paper should also have page numbering in correct MLA format.



The following is a list of tiresome, overused research paper topics. These topics are banned in this course. Papers on these topics will receive an F.

Topics Not Allowed For Your Research Paper

•          Abortion

•          ADD or ADHD & how these illnesses are treated

•          Alternative Fuels

•          Alternative Medicine

•          Animal Testing

  •        Breed legislation, such as the banning of Pit Bulls

•          Censorship

•          Cloning 

•          Death Penalty or Capital Punishment

•          Deforestation

•          Drinking and Driving

•          Euthanasia - including Living Wills, DNR Orders, Durable Medical Power of Attorney, and other similar documents

  •        Evolution

•          Global Warming

•          Gun Control

•          Gun Ownership

•          Healthcare Reform or Universal Healthcare

•          Immigration Issues

•          Issues related to, and including, the events of September 11, 2001

•          Legalization of Drugs, such as the legalization of Marijuana

•          Medical Marijuana

•          Minimum Drinking Age -- including all issues related to underage drinking

•          Music and/or Movie Piracy

•          Pornography

•          Recycling

•          Religion or matters of personal faith - this includes support for or against your argument

•          Same sex marriage or civil unions 

•          Smoking and Smoking Bans

•          Stem Cell Research

•          Steroids and Performance-Enhancing Drugs and Supplements

•          Video Games [and other media] and violence

•          War in Iraq or Afghanistan

       Women’s body image and the impact of the media on body image

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course number
Minimum wages
The debate on minimum wage has raised controversy particularly after the 2008- 2009 global financial crisis. Even though, there have been calls for increase in the level of minimum wage the results are potentially not beneficial to low wage earners. The minimum wage payment will not reduce poverty, as families living almost below the poverty line will not see improvement in their quality of life. An increase in wages results to a rise in the cost of goods and services, and the poor bear a disproportionate burden relative to their income levels. Thus, increasing the minimum wage is not the answer to reducing poverty levels in America.
Even though, it is important to improve workers welfare the American people should bear in mind that it is businesses that are more likely to employ people. Businesses are affected by the increase in wage levels, and to remain profitable they tend to focus less on recruitment and may increase working hours (Smith). Thus, the net effects of wage increases may not have positive long-term tangible effects on workers welfare. Low wage earners are less likely to be unemployed and this reduces their disposable income, while putting at disadvantage workers who work for longer hours.
Causes of poverty
Efforts towards poverty alleviation in America have been controversial because of American’s skeptical of government involvement in anti poverty programs. At the same time, opponents of government involvement argue that it is the lack of initiative that caused poverty. However, they miss the point as the US capitalist perpetuates inequality where the rich continue to grow their wealth with a less proportionate taxation burden than the general population.. Even though, poor people seek and wish to improve their standard of living they are constrained by political, economic, and social causes.
It is important to learn about the root causes of poverty in ...
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