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1 pages/β‰ˆ275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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The Medium is the Message

Essay Instructions:

Then, from the section you annotated, pull a quote that stood out to you. For this response, you will summarize and analyze the quote. You might discuss how it relates to the course and/or why it was interesting to you. Your response should follow this order and be ONE paragraph: Topic Sentence, example (your quote), analysis of the quote (200-300 words).

Each written response will be a one paragraph response to the individual prompt on the course calendar.

Each response/paragraph should follow these guidelines (i.e. your response should follow this order): Topic Sentence, Example, Analysis. For close readings, the example will be details from your sequence. For reading responses, the example might be from the text, a quote, or a real world example you know of.

Please note that while you might include a quote, all the work should be your own and there is no outside research allowed on these responses. (200-300 words total)

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Communication can only be complete with media: channels or platforms such as radio, television, or social media used to transmit information from the sender to the receiver. These platforms have proved significant because they determine the trustworthiness of the information. The phrase ‘‘the medium is the message’’ popularized by Communications theorist Marshall McLuhan in his book Understanding the Media: the Extensions of man, interests me because it explains the relationship between communication media and the message. This quote means that the forms and methods of communication significantly impact the message being delivered. They determine how the intended audience will perceive that message. McLuhan believed that the modes of communication are more significant than the actual message. They filter the contents of the message being shared in a way t...
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