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The Value of Kindness Depicted in the Film, "Pay It Forward"

Essay Instructions:

One of the key focuses of this course will be how rhetoric and writing mediate, convey, and shape both individual and shared values, beliefs, and experiences. Our goals in this unit are 1) to begin to explore how values are mediated and shared and 2) to begin to put into practice writing for particular audiences and drafting projects through brainstorming, planning, writing, and revising.

Construct an essay that informs your audience (your teachers and classmates) about how a specific piece of media (e.g., a book, a movie, a television show, a song, an album, a magazine, etc.) has shaped a value you hold. Use your personal experiences with this media to explain how that media has shaped your understanding of this value and how it is shared with others.

Your essay should conform to these guidelines:

• Be a minimum of 500 words

• Be written in a readable, 11–12 pt. font

• Have a title that is inviting to your readers (your classmates)

• Identify and discuss a specific piece of media important to you

• Identify and discuss a specific value you hold that this media has helped to shape

• Use specific details, including personal experiences, to explore the relationship between this media and this value.

• Show a degree of analysis (that is, it does not just describe, but reflects on and analyzes your experiences or the media you’re discussing)

• Be effectively organized, use clear language, and be carefully edited.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mediated Values
Student Name:
Course Title:
The Value of Kindness as Depicted in the Film Pay It Forward
A piece of media that is important to me is the 2000 movie Pay It Forward. This essay is intended to explain to my audience how this piece of media has shaped a value that I hold. Specifically, the essay describes how the movie has shaped the value of kindness in me.
One specific value that I hold dearly is a kindness. This refers to the act of being kind to other people. In general, kindness denotes caring about other people. It also means to be generous, friendly and gentle (Rottinghaus 13). When people allow this value to flourish, kindness can become a flowing, transcending and all-pervasive current that sustains humans and which is completely essential to the society and the world at large (Sluiter and Rose 44). Human beings in general flourish whenever they are treated with kindness. Showing kindness costs nothing. It also does not necessitate detailed preparation and does not take much time. An act of kindness could be as simple as a word of encouragement, a touch, or a warm smile. When a person is kind, this is not just good for the other person who is shown the kindness; it is also good for the happiness and health of the person showing kindness (Rottinghaus 13).
The movie Pay It Forward effectively teaches the value of kindness. It inspires people to spread acts of kindness to the people around us as well as to the people who need it. This film depicts one simple idea that went to change the world positively. It began with Trevor McKinney, an eleven-year-old boy. Played by Haley Joel Osment, who is an Academy Award Winner, Trevor McKinney was asked by his tutor in school, played by Kevin Spacey, to come up with an idea which would change the w...
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