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Matching the Racial, Ethnic, Or Gender Makeup of the Police Force with the Local Community

Essay Instructions:

I think the racial makeup of a police department should be comparable to the racial makeup of the community they serve.

Present the issue as an introduction (using a method of development) and provide a specific thesis statement--a direct statement of your position.

If necessary, the introduction may need to be broken into more than one paragraph to include a method of development, the framing of the issue for the reader, and a thesis statement

When framing the argument, the opposing views or counter arguments must be mentioned

A specific thesis statement gives the exact main points the argument will focus on in the order they will appear in the argument

Present your most plausible reasons and evidence

Body paragraphs should begin with transitional words, phrases, or structures

Body paragraphs should include a topic sentence (first sentence) that introduces the main point from the thesis

Body paragraphs should include evidence: evidence is proof and support (examples, stories, statistics, etc.)

Body paragraphs should include analysis: analysis is the detailed explanation and discussion of evidence and/or how the evidence relates to the main point

Concede or refute opposing reasons or objections to your argument (Include more than one.)

Concessions and refutations should begin with transitional words, phrases, or structures

Concessions and refutations should begin with topic sentences that introduce the counter argument/concession/or refutation's point

Conclude: summarize the argument as a whole demonstrating opposing views but reaffirming your position(s), restate the thesis without using the exact same language, and bring the essay to a close. A strong essay will leave the reader with a statement of lasting impression. This is a sentence or two that gives the reader something to consider as they end the essay.

this is an arguing a position essay.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Title

The title is three or more words and hints at the essay’s main point. Moreover, the title is creative, relevant, and/or engaging.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction: A Well-Presented Issue

The introduction uses a strategy ("hook" or "gimmick") to engage the reader. In addition, the introduction presents the subject with accurate and complete information.

The thesis statement asserts an appropriately qualified, arguable position.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome A Well-Supported Position

The body paragraphs provide thoroughly sufficient evidence (examples, anecdotes, statistics, textual evidence) and analysis to support the position.

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome An Effective Response to Opposing Views

A reader can recognize a counterargument, objection, or question. A reader can identify acknowledgement, concession, and/or a refutation. The rebuttal is indicated with a transition or cue.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization

The essay is organized with a logical progression of details with a clear and effective order that enhances the essay. Effective use of topic sentences, examples, and analysis. Includes appropriate and effective transitions.

Shows a clear purpose and pattern.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Conclusion

The conclusion uses a strategy to bring the essay to a satisfying close and reinforces the thesis.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Course Code/Title
Matching the Racial, Ethnic, Or Gender Makeup of the Police Force with the Local Community
Minorities in the United States are often underrepresented in almost all law enforcement agencies, and several major police forces appear to be whiter compared to the communities they serve (Keating and Uhrmacher). While many decades of police reform have attempted to revert the trend, there has been little effort to keep pace with the ever-changing demographic landscape across the country. The widening racial gap leaves scanty numbers of police forces that resemble local communities, and this potentially hinders the relationship between the police and the people being served, thus impacting crime rates. Criminologists at the University of Maryland have found a relationship between decreased crime rates in minority neighborhoods with an increased presence of local police and government diversity. The differences in police representation impact how the residents interact with law enforcement officers (Flavin). According to Flavin, police agencies that embrace diversity often win the trust of citizens because they reflect the community and are inclusive of officers from diverse cultures and experiences. Lack of such makeup in the police force has historically resulted in increased incidents of police brutality, especially among blacks and other ethnic minorities (The Associated Press). This paper argues that to foster community relations and reduce crime rates, the racial, ethnic, or gender makeup of the police force should resemble the makeup of the community it serves.
Diverse governments and the outfit of law enforcement departments, including the federal law enforcement, state police, tribal officers, natural resource or wildlife protection officers, and highway patrol officers, should filter down to the community to galvanize community relations and trust. According to the associate professor in criminal justice, Maria Velez, such a makeup helps in reducing crime rates (Keating and Uhrmacher). Unfortunately, areas such as Prince George’s County are represented by 38 percent white police with a population of only 12 percent blacks. Besides, only 10 percent of residents in the Bronx are white, with 33 percent of police in different departments being white (Keating and Uhrmacher). This disparity in representation impacts how the local communities interact with the police force because women and people of color rarely approach while male police officers. According to experts, the issue of police recruitment and retention has further worsened the makeup of the police force, making even communities with balanced white and black residents such as Wayne and Baltimore counties have more white police officers than blacks. Therefore, encouraging diversity in government and law enforcement departments would improve community relations and trust, thus reducing crime.
While there is a consensus that diversity in the police force helps strengthen community trust, other experts argue that there are underlying barriers that have challenged efforts to diffuse tensions in minority communities, such as implicit stereotyping and aggressive policing tactics (Fifield). Giving an example of Baltimore with an equal number of black and white residents, experts claim that diversity in the police force is not likely to resolve the issue of community mistrust towards the law enforcement systems. Earlier repo...
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