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Research And Discuss: Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Essay Instructions:

The topic is basically an answer to the following question: Should marijuana be legalized. But this does not mean it's a straightforward yes or no argument. It might be, but there are many intermediary positions you might take—one prominent example being , say, to keep recreational use illegal but legalize marijuana for medical applications. How you address the topic is up to you, but it must be an argument that in some way addresses the question posed by the topic.

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Should Marijuana be legalized?
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Should Marijuana be legalized?
Every decade, policy makers engage in a controversial debate about the legalization of marijuana. Proponents argue that marijuana should be legalized with a concrete evidence supporting their claims whereas the opponents also support their claims with enough evidence and facts. Despite this controversial debate that engages policy makers in a heated debate in every decade, the use of marijuana is shifting since most people have turned into using and growing due to various purposes. Some grow and use it due to the medicinal benefits it has while others view it as a business venture. There is enough evidence from the 1800’s which demonstrates how beneficial marijuana is with enough scientific experiments to support the claims. In the United States, 25 states have legalized marijuana for medicinal reasons while 5 states have legalized it for recreational use. The use of marijuana has both positive and negative effects and both needs to be considered before reaching at the decision of legalizing it.
Opponents of legalization have argued that marijuana has adverse health effects and it leads to violence. They also argue that excessive use of marijuana contributes to accidents in the country. In supporting their claims on adverse health effects, they argue that marijuana smoking causes memory loss. This makes the users to forget things and some to engage in bad behaviors. Scientists have also argued that smoking marijuana impairs the normal functioning of a body. Those who smoke marijuana and then drives are more likely to cause accidents. Although, there reasoning and thinking rate increases, the rate at which they respond reduces. They may think logically fast but they are slow in noticing things and acting, that is, they do not realize any obstacles faster and apply the brakes thus causing accidents. Marijuana use is also believed to be a cause of suicides. There are various reports detailing suicide attempts by young people after smoking marijuana but they have never attempted it when they are not under the influence of any drug. Other cases of husbands killing their wives and children after smoking cannabis have also been reported.
Another claim that opponents are holding to is that it makes people to be violent and cause chaos. Despite the fact that some people become rude, abusive and even arrogant after smoking bhang, the number is not as big to give the opponents a base to argue from. Those who exhibit violent behaviors are few as compared to those who are calm. This is to demonstrate that people respond differently to marijuana. They also claim that it may lead to lung cancers which is a dangerous condition. Long-term marijuana users have the same impacts like those who smoke marijuana. Their lungs will darken and they may develop bronchitis and other chronic conditions as well. However, the medicinal benefits of marijuana exceeds this claim.
Recently, the focus is not on illegalizing marijuana but rather on its legalization. Currently, individuals are looking at the reasons why marijuana was illegalized in the first place. Contrary to the popular fallacy, marijuana was never illegalized based on health concerns but rather on business grounds. As hemp provided cheaper means for producing paper and plastics, business architectures like DuPont and William Randolph started to lose much in their businesses (Murphy, 2009). They were provided with two options, either spend huge sums of money to adapt their timber-based approaches to produce hemp or shut down their businesses. Instead of choosing either one of the options, they decided to make the competition they were facing appear to be illegal. This was not a big deal for them since Hearst also owned newspaper chains and Andrew Mellon who was DuPont’s chief financial off...
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