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Magical Realism Comparative Essay Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Students will write a comparative essay in which they assert their understanding of the elements of magical realism as demonstrated in two short stories. One of the short stories must be from Marquez's Strange Pilgrims, and one of the short stories must be from the Week Two list of magical realism stories on our class website under Document Repository and Magical Realism.

A total of two articles compare contrast

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Magical Realism
Magic realism is one of the genres that is used by authors to bring about narrative fiction in their pieces (Rogers, Bruce Holland). It can be seen at the creation of the author where a realistic setting is then invaded by one that is completely strange and hard to believe (Papagno, Jessica). As such, the story could flowing in a manner that the audience can relate with as the events elaborate are generally normal in real life (Witte, Michelle). Until a scene that incorporates what could be considered bizarre or unimaginable as it unreal. This piece evaluates magic realism that are found in The Warmth of Things and the Tramontana.
Although The Warmth of Things and Tramontana have some basic similarities in their use of fantasy and reality, the level of magical realism in former is higher than the latter.
The Tramontana, brings out some very important elements of magic realism one of them being the wind. This is a phenomenon that is explained in the way of a normal wind right before it is turned into a strange event. In essence the wind is given as the main characters of the narration. It causes destruction and even changes the course of the story, which was initially calm. After the wind comes in, there is a turn of events that leaves the readers in awe (Jensen, Anja). The wind is considered evil as if it is a human being or a spirit. It is also likened to a woman. Where it is referred to as a hateful woman by the porter. Other words that are used to describe the wind include it being fatal a seductive visitor and unrepeatable beauty. All of these are commonly used to refer to a woman. There is also the element of irony that associated with the wind and more importantly the turn of events (Carroll, Stephanie). One of the incidences that takes place in the town and brings out the irony in the story is the fact that at one time the porter is seen to state that, the wind is a hateful woman, however he cannot live without it (Schwenz, Caroline). Later on after the wind has died down, he is found to have hanged himself. This is quite contradicting considering that he was considering the wind as something he would not live without ("Magical Realism").
On the element of the layers, this piece uses the dynamic layer relative to the fact that the narrator and his family came to the surprise of the storm and did not know what to expect (Apprize). At one point they are seen to go outside to play with the storm, only to realize that they had to hold on to a lamp post to save their lives. The element of the wind introduction in the story also brings a lot of unexpected turn of events, all of which push the story towards magical realism.
In the case of The Warmth of Things, there is a turn of events that leaves the readers in awe as well. There is the way that Oscar turns into a meat turnover. For so long he is oppressed and feels that it is time that he turned back on all the people that were against him. He starts eating people and at one point marks his mother some the same. Thi...
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