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Lu Xun’s “A Madman’s Diary”: Chinese' Struggle for Freedom and Equality

Essay Instructions:

Please check all the information I provide before you start it. After you finish it, please check the checklist I uploaded.

Topic: use this topic suggestions as jumping-off points to build your paper’s thesis/argument): 

• Lu Xun’s “A Madman’s Diary” (and, if you wish, "cannibalization"/"cultural consumption." If you wish to talk about historical background/cultural context, you should be consulting and carefully citing secondary sources. You could also consider writing about current protests with reference to the short story)

You must follow:

Write analytical, evidence-based papers based on texts, artworks, or themes we have studied so far, using the topic suggestions below or choosing your own topics. Most of the instructions on this sheet pertain to analytical papers. For analytical/personal essays: Please the topic suggestions below as jumping-off points to build your paper’s argument. Analytical essay reminders: Remember to keep your argument grounded in specific texts/artworks/examples and evidence-based; you must employ close readings in your paper. Your paper’s thesis should be “arguable” (non-obvious), specific, logical, and clearly articulated. Effective theses are usually narrow and specific, not broad and general.

How to write a good paper:

Tip 1: Keep your writing focused and specific and avoid over-generalized claims (e.g., don’t say “since the beginning of time,” don’t make claims about “people” or “human nature,” etc.).

Tip 2: Keep your writing and your thesis grounded in the texts. See my paper-writing instructions for more tips. Your thesis should be about the texts/artworks you choose.

Tip 3: Remember that each body paragraph should take on only one main idea; avoid very long paragraphs.

Tip 4: Carefully read my "Paper Expectations" PDF

Tip 5: You must include a Works Cited list.

In your Works Cited you may list resources I've prepared for you as follows:

Mill, J.S. Autobiography. Course Resource. Arts and Cultures of Modernity, K. Deutsch, Fall 2022, NYU. You can cite my powerpoints that way, too.

But you should cite anything that includes complete bibliographic information without calling it a course resource (e.g., the Hartman article).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Lu Xun's "A Madman's Diary" is a short story written in 1918 that is widely regarded as the first piece of modern literature written in the Chinese language. The story is a powerful critique of Chinese society's lack of democracy and egalitarianism. Through the eyes of a madman, Lu Xun paints a vivid portrait of a society in which the people are kept in ignorance and from enjoying the benefits of a democratic and egalitarian society. The story follows a madman, the protagonist, who believes the people around him are all eating babies (Chohan, p 2). Through his exploration of the imaginary world, the protagonist exposes the irrationality of societal conventions and criticizes the lack of democracy and egalitarianism in Chinese society. In "A Madman's Diary," Lu Xun examines the lack of democracy and egalitarianism in Chinese society and presents the protagonist's struggle for freedom and equality as a reflection of the Chinese people's struggle for freedom and equality in the early twentieth century.
In "A Madman's Diary," Lu Xun presents the protagonist's struggle for freedom and equality as a reflection of the Chinese people's struggle for freedom and equality in the early twentieth century. He represents the Chinese people's desire to break free from the oppressive forces that have taken control of their lives. The protagonist's journey can be seen as a metaphor for the Chinese people's attempts to gain freedom and equality. Throughout the story, the protagonist's struggle for freedom and equality is met with opposition from the people around him. This opposition reflects the oppressive nature of Chinese society at the time.
At the story's beginning, the protagonist is shown to be in a state of despair and confusion, as he cannot make sense of the world around him (Lu and Meighan, p 4). He is taken to the hospital, where he is subjected to the oppressive regime of the doctors and nurses. The doctors and nurses are presented as figures of authority who control the protagonist's life and are unwilling to listen to his pleas for freedom and equality. The protagonist is also subjected to the oppressive regime of the other patients in the hospital, who mock and ridicule him for his beliefs. This opposition is symbolic of the lack of democracy and egalitarianism in Chinese society, as the people are not willing to listen to the individual's voice and are instead blindly following the state's authority.
The protagonist in "A Madman's Diary" is a man who is struggling against the restrictive Confucian traditions of his society. He is a madman, confined to his home and unable to leave. He is desperate to break free, and his struggle for freedom is symbolic of the Chinese people's struggle for independence at this time (Tang, p 12). In the story, the protagonist believes that if he can break free of his confinement, he will achieve true freedom and equality. The narrator's fear of being locked up in a dark room also reflects the Chinese people's fear of being oppressed and subjugated by the authoritarian government of the time. He speaks of his fear of being "stripped of the right to speak and think freely" and of being "forced to accept whatever is imposed upon [him]." This fear reflects the Chinese people's struggle to maintain their freedom and equality in the face of oppressive government policies.
Lu Xun uses the madman's words to criticize the lack of democracy and egalitarianism in Chinese society. Throughout the story, the madman speaks of how the people have "forgotten" the gods and how they have become slaves to their ignorance (LIN, p 8). This speaks to the importance of knowledge and understanding to build a better society. The madman speaks of how the people are kept in the dark and cannot be truly free until they embrace the ideals of democracy and egalitarianism. The madman's words are a powerful indictment of a society that does not prioritize knowledge and understanding. His words demonstrate the importance of embracing these ideals to create a better society.
In the story, the protagonist constantly questions the authority of those in power and challenges their oppressive rules. He is critical of the government and the traditional values of his society, and he is determined to overthrow them (Lu Lu Xun, p 11). This reflects the Chinese people's struggle to overthrow the oppressive Qing Dynasty and their desire for freedom and equality. The protagonist is bound to bring about a better society in ...
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