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Literary Short Story: “The Toughest Indian In the Word”

Essay Instructions:


Identify one or two related, recurring figure(s) of speech AND one element of narration, plot or setting (chronotope) in a single short story from Unit 2: "There is no there there" --The City

Describe how these aspects of the story effect the tone and meaning of the story or aspect of the story in a clear and concise thesis statement

Use directed close readings of specific moments or patterns to support the thesis

Provide a clear analysis of the story as a whole

When you begin your explication, brainstorm with the strategies listed below:

Read your selected story at least twice, and annotate your copy, noting various figures of speech and their effect on the passage or story as a whole.

Write a short literal interpretation. Describe the scene, the characters; identify the speaker, identify the audience.

Ask yourself: Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?

What is the formal structure of the story (narrator POV, setting, characters, plot structure, etc.)?

Describe the language. Pay attention to vocabulary; is the language formal or informal and how can you tell? Do the characters speak in ways that are in stark contrast to the narrator?

Do you see/hear any patterns? Where and when do they show up?

Don’t forget about the title of the story. What role does the title play? How does it influence your understanding of the story?


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Literary Short Story: “The Toughest Indian In the Word”
As a short fictional story, "The Toughest Indian In the Word” is crafted by Sherman Alexie to embody a tragic sense of cultural loss experienced by American Indians in the modern environment. They try to find ways and opportunities to sustain the Indian customs. Sherman Alexie paints an onslaught on Indian heritage. Sherman Alexie aesthetically supports the argument of deteriorating Indian origin by incorporating oral traditions as a form of people’s oral storytelling to makes it more dialogical and participatory. Thus, Sherman Alexie deploys oral tradition, aggregative repetitions of patterned thoughts to encourage his readers to engage in intellectual and emotional reactions and feel about the stories. The oral presentation mark illustrates the challenges on the Indian heritage as encapsulated in sexuality contradictions in the fiction. This paper will argue that Sherman Alexie is trying to capture how contemporary societies, through various aspects, attack the cultural heritages, especially for migrant communities such as Indians, and how such victims of new cultural changes try to cope. For instance, sexuality dynamics are often perceived as a challenge of deeply rooted cultural norms regarding the practices and attitudes towards sexuality. Sherman demonstrates onslaught culture via a broader, sophisticated modern, and multifaceted landscape.
The notion of sexuality is a concept advanced by Sherman Alexie to show the modern cultural transformation. “The Toughest Indian in the World,” unravels about a Spokane journalist’s first sexual encounter with a Lummi Indian man in "Indian Country,."This is an erotic narration of juxtaposition to reflect a clash of contemporary and long-stayed cultural practices. Sex and sexuality in The Toughest Indian in the World cannot be ignored. Sex is about stability, monogamy, infidelity, sexuality, homophobia, erotica, "saf...
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