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Literary Criticism (Essay #2)

Essay Instructions:



  • The first step to take is to analyze the piece of work.
  • Discuss the author’s main point of view and his purpose.
  • See who is he performing for i.e.
    • who is his audience.
  • What arguments does the author use to support his main point and what evidence does he cite.
  • Check for any underlying biases or assumptions in the work that the author produces.



  • Next, you need to evaluate the author’s ideas.
  • You need to see whether the argument he provides is logical, and the facts provided accurate.
  • There might be jargon present in a book, so the author should have defined it and explained it or even in other works, important terms should be defined.
  • You should check the authenticity of facts and sources cited and whether there is a sufficient amount of it.


  • Lastly, you need to plan and write your critique.
  • You should do this in standard essay form. In the first paragraph, you need to introduce the topic, state the thesis, make a plot summary, and give your readers a clue of what they are to expect.
  • An introduction also includes the background of the piece of work that you are going to critique.
  • For a project, write the name of the author and a bit of information about them that pertains to the argument.
  • A introduction includes the director, the basic theme, and the names of the main actors.
  • In the second part of the critique you will have to introduce the characters, setting, and give a lot of detail.
  • Bring out the author’s important points and evaluate whether the evidence provided by the author supports his point of view.
  • Break the thesis and different parts of the story into separate points and examine each point separately.
  • A very important thing that will strengthen all your arguments is giving real examples from the piece of work you are using.


  • Conclude the critique paper with really critiquing the piece of work i.e. the good and bad, and how it made you feel.
  • Answer any questions you raised along the way and make the final statement about the piece of work.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The sonnets are Shakespeare’s most famous pieces that were written over an extensive period from 1592-1598. According to sources, Shakespeare wrote close to 154 sonnets. In the Sonnet 22, William Shakespeare attempts to give the differences in age between his beloved lover and him and reasons that this relationship has helped him in obtaining his youth (Schwartz, 78). The author claims that the basis for the love he had his beloved mainly showed a mutual exchange of their hearts thus giving the idea that the two have become like one flesh.
In this poem, the speaker urges his beloved friend to take good care of himself and promises him to remain faithful and committed to their friendship. According to the author of this poem, the primary point of view is determined in the fact that the speaker claims of his fear of being heartbroken by his love (Schwartz, 78). Shakespeare in his sonnets, therefore, displays the elements of love and beauty as they relate to the ideas of time and the changes that occur in life.
The Authors Audience
It is necessary to determine the fact that most of the sonnets are primarily addressed to a young man who is believed to be the poet’s lover and who is in a romantic relationship with the poet (Schwartz, 78). In this, the poet is determined to convince the young man in the sonnets to marry and have beautiful children who will look like their father through an approach that ensures the poet's future is secured.
Arguments the Author Uses To Support His Main Point
In this account, the author uses the features of imagery and metaphors that are based on nature to determine the symbols of beauty with the aim of illustrating his point. In this, he apparently gives an illustration of the reason of this relationship by demonstrating the beauty and strength that lies within his lover’s spirit (The Writer's Craft.46). In his introduction, William uses the elements of comparison between his lover and the summer sonnet, a factor that leaves him with a question to answer. The author finds beauty in this young man and chooses to use a poetic expression geared towards ...
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