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Literary Research: Explore the Age Theme in The Bell Jar

Essay Instructions:

Essay portion should be approximately 1500 words 
This assignment is designed as an exercise both in critical reading of the literature AND in engaging with pertinent scholarship on that literature. Bear in mind that the assignment is a research task and that its essential that you have a clear central argumentative claim, supported with primary and secondary textual evidence. 
This assignment is an exercise in thinking critically about, and being critical in ones use of, others interpretations of a literary work. The basic strategy resembles that of your previous assignments, but this time you are expected to incorporate at least two (2) secondary sources in your essay. These sources must be peer-reviewed scholarly publications available through the library, journals, or the online databases accessible through the library websites e-resources page. You may not use informal internet sources such as web articles, Wikipedia, etc.
You will be developing your main argument with the help of other critics work, so as you conduct your research, be alert to both agreements and disagreements in the critics characterization of your chosen topic and take account of these as part of your contribution to the ongoing scholarly conversation about the text and its interpretation.
Be sure to put forth a clearly articulated thesis or argument, and to provide textual evidence, both primary and secondary, in support of your claims. You are expected to develop your own specific argumentative claim within the area you choose to investigate and you are expected to distinguish your essay from the content of our in-class discussions on these topics (ie. I dont want a paraphrase of our discussionsI want you to tackle a question or problem of your own in one of the below contexts). Spelling and grammar ALWAYS count, so be sure to proofread your work. 
The goal of the essay is to provide a detailed, insightful, well-supported analysis of the primary text. Remember that, as with all research essays, its essential that you have a clear central claim, stated up front and supported throughout with primary and secondary textual evidence.
You are expected to cite the primary and secondary texts in support of your claims, and to provide an MLA-standard list of Works Cited according to the guidelines in the Style Sheet.
This assignment is worth 25% of your final grade.
Suggested topics to consider:
1. What is the significance of the motif of the bell jar in The Bell Jar?
2. The Bell Jar is considered to be a feminist classic. Do you agree? Why or why not?
3. Explore the coming of age theme in The Bell Jar.
4. Consider the novel The Bell Jar in terms of the mythical heros journey.
5. How is the power of The Bell Jar impacted by what many assume is autobiography, rather than fiction?
6. Is Esther a reliable or an unreliable narrator? Explain.
7. Explore the theme of imprisonment and its connected symbols and motifs that run throughout The Bell Jar.
8. Choose one recurring image in The Bell Jar and trace how its meaning changes and develops as Esther changes. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Coming of Age
Coming of age can be a challenging phase in one’s life and the harsh reality of life can shake the very core values, beliefs and dreams of an individual. An individual has to take control of his/her destiny in which striking a balance between life choices, and their resultant consequences can take a toll on him/her. An individual’s background and environment play a key role in this phase of taking control of one’s life and forging your way through challenges to build your future. Without proper guidance and patience, a person can quickly be disoriented and lose hope in life in the life he/she had been envisioning from childhood through to that particular point in time. Coming of age can squeeze the very life and hope of your childhood dreams and propel you into uncertainty, hopelessness, and depression. It is the same situation Esther, a character in Sylvia Plath’s novel, The Bell Jar, finds herself in after turning nineteen. In this article, am going to explore in detail the theme of coming of age basing my arguments on Sylvia Plath’s novel, The Bell Jar.
Coming of age requires personal sacrifices, and they compel an individual to make very hard choices. It is important that the person is fully aware of the repercussions and can live with the consequences. CITATION Car131 \l 1033 (Hintz & Ostry, 2013)opines that childhood dreams are characterized with a utopia state of mind and many kids often lag behind rather than having to mettle. Esther has to make sacrifices about her future to fit the expectations of the society. She admits she want to fulfill all her heart’s desire and dreams. Unfortunately, for Esther, all her choices have grave consequences she admits she cannot bear. She cannot decide which direction she wants her life to take. All decisions she has to make come with costly consequences, and she gradually gets into depression for fear of making the wrong choices in her life. From her perspective, her life choices are unaffordable. Esther’s dilemma of either having a happy home and children, pursuing her poetic career, becoming a brilliant professor or an editor were among the hard choices she confronted.
“I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose.”
The fig tree is used symbolically to illustrate the choices Esther had to make to guarantee herself of a better future. For Esther, all choices had hard repercussions, and she felt she needed all of them.
Esther was exposed to the dangers and cruelty of society after coming of age. Throughout her childhood, she perceived the society and the world at large as constituent factors to guarantee her happiness. The unforgiving and cruel world catches up with her and she goes through a series of cruel ordeals that shake her values and morals albeit experiencing physical and mental pain. Whilst on her own in New York City, she meets Marco who assaults her and she cannot even seek justice, but she retreats to her abode. On a separate occasion, her psychiatrist, Dr. Gordon, recommends electro-shock therapy which puts her through excruciating pain and bears no fruits in alleviating her depression. The society tosses her into assaults, pain, insults, bruises, dependence, and disrespect that leaves her contemplating suicide. The society did not match to Esther’s expectations but instead got her on the receiving end of the unforgiving world that pushes her on the verge of losing her life.
“Somebody laughed. ". . .worthy of a diamond." The hand round my arm tightened.
The society failed her when Marco ridiculed, assaulted and disrespected her and they burst out laughing and making ironic comments. She went home disappointed, hurt and frightened after the ordeal with Marco.
The transformative period of coming of age requires guidance, love and patience especially from relatives and friends as an individual embarks on the journey of self-discovery. Esther succumbed to delirium when she had no one to guide her through the defining moments of her life as she sought to understand herself and choose the direction her life ought to follow. She got caught up by many choices that required compassion, love and extrinsic advice to direct and help her make the right choices. Her family failed her during that time and she hated her mother deeply that requested her psychiatrist not to allow her to visit. The society also failed her friend, Joan, whose burden of living overwhelmed her will to survive and committed suicide. Dr. Nolan...
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