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LING1030 2017 Writing Assignment: Linguistic About Korean

Essay Instructions:

The bonus project is a brief linguistic description of a language of your choosing. Find a language (ideally a non-Indo-European language) and pick a (number of) grammatical aspects of it to investigate. The description should be done in theoretical terms, i.e. the way we discuss the grammars of different languages in class. When choosing the language, take into consideration access to language data, grammar books etc. The bonus project is due on Friday Dec 8, 2017 and is a way to make up for a missed exam. If you are unhappy with your grade on the first or the second exam, the bonus final project can be used to replace your grade on one of those exams. There are no make-ups for the final exam.i ll send you the outline. it require the writer refer the things that i learned before. I choose korean.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis of Korean Language
Korean is a language used by about 80 million people in South Korea, North Korea, Yanbian Korea and expatriate communities across the world. The language is well described as a language that exists on its own. Other researchers perceive that the language is related to Japanese. Every territory has its own standardized official forms employed and it is considered to be a member of a small family language. More often it’s included in a group of ancient languages in the Northeast Asia. The language used when it comes to grammar is mostly influenced by honorifics. Also, verb endings, selection of nouns, pronouns or adjectives depend on the relative conditions of the communicantCITATION And091 \p 183 \l 1033 (Andrew 183). The analysis of this language will focus on various grammatical aspects employed in the language for instance, the alphabetical aspect, predicates and endings, negations, its characteristics, nouns and verbs.
The Korean Alphabet (Reading Hangul)
The writing style of Korean language is regarded to be one of the most scientific and systematic style of writing globally. Hangul is made of alphabet of 19 consonants and 21 vowel symbols. Vowels are grouped into two classes; 11 are basic vowels while ten are double vowel symbols. The basic unit of Korean language is considered to be a syllable. The complete written Korean letter must have at least one consonant symbol and a vowel symbolCITATION And091 \p 1 \l 1033 (Andrew 1). The combination of consonant and vowel symbols in Korean is in five forms:
* A syllable, consisting of only one vowel sound just like in English “a”.
* Can have a vowel but followed by a consonant just like in English “On”.
* It can have a consonant followed by a vowel symbol for instance in English “go”.
* Consonant followed by a vowel then consonant for example in English the word “dam”.
* Or two consonants e.g. “host” in English.
Word order
In writing Korean, the language utilizes a subject, object verb order. For example “Emily-Korean –studies”. Verbs and adjectives appear at the end of a sentence in Korean. Other elements in the Korean language, for example, nouns, adverbs and numbers appear before either verbs or adjectives. Modifiers also appear before the modified words. In an example, considering this English sentence; “Emily studies Geography at the Library in the morning”. ‘Emily’ is the subject in this context, ‘Studies’ is the verb, and Geography is the object. However, the word order of the above sentence in Korean language is “Emily library-at Geography studies”CITATION And091 \p 9 \l 1033 (Andrew 9).
Context Oriented Language
In Korean language, the most crucial aspect tends to cluster to the end of every sentence. It therefore means that when the word at the far end of a sentence, the element becomes less important and therefore high likelihood of being dropped. In simple terms, what appear at the very end of the sentence, for instance verbs are the most important. In addition, the Korean language sentence that does not have an object or subject, but just an adjective or a verb is grammatically correct and natural in many conversationsCITATION And091 \p 12 \l 1033 (Andrew 12).
Formation of Nouns
Korean nouns are constituted of three major components: Native Korean words occupying 35%, Sino-Korean words 60% and loan words 5%.The nouns can be composed of either single morpheme or meaningful unit, for example water, bird, or multiple morphemes for example a combination of several single morphemes e.g. volcano. The nouns that are made of more than two morphemes are usually formed through either compounding process or derivational process. The derivational approach takes an affix that in many instances appears in a predicate or a noun. On the other hand, compound nouns comprise of two or more morphemes that are independent. In marking plurality aspect, the Korean language is not specific about the number. An example is the word pencil; in Korean it can be translated to be “pencil”, “a pencil”, “the pencil”, “pencils “and even “some pencils”CITATION And091 \p 15 \l 1033 (Andrew 15).
Predicates and Endings
Predicates usually explain more about the subject. In many instances, the predicate can be ...
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