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Legalization Of Abortion: Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Legalized

Essay Instructions:

Choose an argumentative topic. Suggestions are: capital punishment, abortion, gun control, legalizing marijuana, lowering the drinking age, etc.

Use the attachment as an outline for all areas that are to be addressed. In the textbook this week, you should have read about anticipating the naysayer. This is where refuting and conceding come in to play.

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Legalization of Abortion
A lot of people of not have sufficient knowledge regarding the issue of family planning and, therefore, end up having unwanted pregnancies. As a result, this brings about the dilemma as to whether the mother should keep the pregnancy or not. Several factors ought to be put into consideration when making this decision to ensure that it is for the best. Hence, I think that abortion should be legalized across the world as long as it is done professionally to safeguard the life of the mother.
Background Information:
A US Supreme court declared the procedure of abortion legal and therefore, this has brought about a lot of debates across the world as to whether it should be legalized or not. In most nations, abortion is considered a crime since it is not legalized, but people still do it in back doors. People who are in support of abortion argue out that it is not a decision that ought to be made by the government but rather the mother's choice.
On the other hand, those against the claim that the life of the child begins during fertilization and it has a right to live hence making abortion illegal. Abortion is an act that was discovered many years ago. In 1550BC, the Egyptians believed that abortion could be carried out by inserting a certain plant fiber covered with crushed dates and honey. As well, Connecticut was the first state to legalize abortion in the year 1821. Since then, debates have been carried out all over the work regarding the case of abortion.
One of the reasons as to why abortion should be legalized is that it plays a substantial part in saving the mother whenever her life is at risk. Women bodies are different and therefore, not every woman is entitled to a complication-free pregnancy (Derbyshire 2017). Some women experience complications that endanger both their lives and that of the unborn child. Therefore, in such cases, abortion would help a lot in saving the life of the mother. This is regardless of the stage of the pregnancy. In the case whereby the life of the child can also be saved, then an abortion would not be necessary.
As well, legalizing abortion would reduce the number of illegal abortions that endanger the life of a person. Abortion is supposed to be carried out by a qualified medical practitioner who has access to all the necessary tools. Therefore, in a case whereby abortion is illegal, women end up seeking backdoor help whereby the procedure is carried out by unqualified personnel who are out to make money in any way. As a result, the woman might end up developing complications or dying due to different mistakes that were involved in the procedure. In some cases, the woman's reproductive system is destroyed to the extent that they will never have children. Hence, to avoid this, abortion should be legalized.
In addition, legalizing abortion reduces the chances of child suffering once they have been born. In some cases, people find themselves pregnant, yet they had not planned to have a child during that time. Therefore, the mother ought to consider the life of the child after birth to find out whether she will be able to provide for them. Therefore, in a case whereby the mother is not ready to have a child, then abortion can be an option to prevent the case of bringing life on earth that an individual cannot cater for.
Another reason as to why abortion should be legalized is to minimize torture and ill-treatment by institutions. An example is the case of a mother who was raped and has to go through a lot of court processes to s...
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