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The Last Supper: Visual Representation

Essay Instructions:

Visual Description Essay

A note on the Visual Description Essay:

For Essay 2/Visual Description Essay, you can use a personal family photograph, or you might choose to write about a famous work (painting, photograph, etc.). If you do decide to go the famous work route, that's great too! However, you are going to find a lot of information about the work, Due by 11:59 p.m., on Sunday, March 10th Using the essay template in our Week 6 folder, write a four paragraph visual description (500-700 words long) essay over a work of your choice. This image can be a painting, a photograph, a drawing, or an advertisement. Give enough details for the reader to be able to visualize the work in all its important aspects. Avoid using 2nd person (“you”). Instead, focus on writing your essay in 3rd person (third person words include he/she, it/its, her(s)/his, they, them, their). If you decide to include outside research about the image in this essay, that’s great, but keep in mind that if you do, make sure to cite the source properly in your essay and include a Works Cited page in MLA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Visual Representation
Advertising is everywhere, ranging from magazines and billboards to television and blogs. Different advertisements are used to target people of all ages, interests, races, and genders. When people hear the words “breezy, easy, glamorous and beautiful,” they automatically think of CoverGirl. This American makeup brand was founded by the Noxzema Chemical Company, in Maryland, United States. Until now, they have contracted dozens of Bollywood, Chinese and Hollywood actresses for their ad campaigns. I have analyzed the CoverGirl™ NatureLuxe advertisement, which uses common feminine stereotypes. In this particular advertisement, the beauty brand has targeted women via their choices of fonts, images, and colors.
A number of stereotypes have been used wisely. For example, those who are more feminine may prefer light and cool shades such as pink and sea green. In the current advertisement, it can be seen that beautiful Taylor Swift is standing confidently. She is smiling, and her eyes look wild. The hairstyle of this adorable lady can catch one’s attention instantly. CoverGirl has long been known for the use of female celebrities. Through this advertisement, they have marketed their lip-gloss products in the United States and have used common gender stereotypes to reveal the power and strength of women. As far as the co...
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