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LING 1030 The language of Chinese: Word Formation

Essay Instructions:

The bonus project is a brief linguistic description of a language of your choosing. Find a language (ideally a non-Indo-European language) and pick a (number of) grammatical aspects of it to investigate. The description should be done in theoretical terms, i.e. the way we discuss the grammars of different languages in class. When choosing the language, take into consideration access to language data, grammar books etc. The bonus project is due on Friday Dec 8, 2017 and is a way to make up for a missed exam. If you are unhappy with your grade on the first or the second exam, the bonus final project can be used to replace your grade on one of those exams. There are no make-ups for the final exam. This is a linguistic requirement. Choose a language to discuss with the knowledge we have learned. I will send out our linguistic outline

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis of Chinese Language
Chinese is a standardized language that shares many aspects with other varieties of languages such as English. However, it has significant differences which make it unique from the other languages. For instance, it does not have inflection which means that it is only made up of one form. In this language, crucial elements for instance, numbers whether singular or plural and the action tense are usually not shown in any grammatical terms. In some situations, the language possesses many particles that serve to express verbal aspect and in some occasions they are employed to show the moodCITATION Nor03 \p " 74" \l 1033 (Norman 74). The differences in the word formation, its unique reduplication characteristic and the sentence structure arrangements are among the key differentiating features of the Chinese language.
Word Formation
In Chinese language, the words utilized and their connectors are usually not clear and the script does not employ the gaps between them. Basing on grammar rules, most strings of characters tend to behave differently for example in some situations as single words while in others they are separated. Many of these language verbs are usually translated by verb plus noun compounds, therefore regarded to be single lexical words. In some instances, the two components can be separated for instance by aspect markers, and they usually behave grammatically as a verb plus an objectCITATION Xia13 \p 24 \l 1033 (Xiao 24).
The morphemes of Chinese language are normally monosyllabic. The syllables in such cases are represented mostly as a rule by single characters. Some of the words are made of single syllable while others are made of compound syllables, either by two or more monosyllabic morphemes that usually can stand on their own. The two syllable compound nouns in many instances have the head on the right, while in the compound verbs the head is on the left. Some native disyllable morphemes usually have a consonant alliteration. The language is composed of some words that cannot be split into separate morphemes, despite the fact that they are written with characters that otherwise represent specific morphemes. The monosyllabic words in some cases have substitute disyllabic forms which possess the same meaningCITATION Ros06 \p 57 \l 1033 (Ross and Jing-Heng 57).
Sentence structure
The Chinese language utilizes a normal word order of subject–verb-object. It is regarded to be a head-last language, implying the fact that modifiers precede the words they are modifying. An example in a noun phrase, the head noun usually comes last, and all other modifiers for instance relative clauses, are staged in front of itCITATION Nor03 \p 76 \l 1033 (Norman 76). The language also utilizes serial verb constructions. In this form, two or more verbs, or verb phrases are employed in sequence. Prepositions of the language behave in a similar way to those of serialized verbs in which are commonly regarded as co-verbs. The language also possesses position markers that are usually staged after a noun and sometimes act as prepositions. In many instances, they are utilized together with the co-verbs. In other instances, predicate adjectives are mostly employed without a copular verb called “to be” in English, therefore considered to be a type of verbCITATION Xia13 \p 22 \l 1033 (Xiao 22).
The transitive verbs precede their object in normal simple clauses while the subject comes before the verb. In addition, the language can be regarded as a topic prominent language meaning there is strong preference for sentences that starts with a specific idea and end with different information. It is possible when using this language for an object to be shifted to a location in front of the action word for the purpose of showing emphasisCITATION Nor03 \p 77 \l 1033 (Norman 77).
The language also allows an ergative sentence structure. In this structure the subject of the verb can be moved to the position of an object. It is also regarded as a pro drop or null subject language implying that the subject can be omitted from a clause if it can be inferred from the context. Adverbs and adverbial phrases that modify the verb usually come after the subject but before the verb, although in some instances other positions are possibleCITATION Nor03 \p 78 \l 1033 (Norman 78).
In Chinese language, nouns may comprise of one or more syllables, each syllable is usually...
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