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La Malinche by Antonio Ruiz: An Analysis of a Major Artistic Work

Essay Instructions:

For the short analysis of a Major Artistic Work, students may select any of the visual art artifacts (paintings or photographs) included in Modules 1-9 as part of the course materials. We need not have covered the artistic work in class yet for you to write on it. Your essay should offer an analytical interpretation of the work by having a thesis about what the piece seeks to express and how the author/artist accomplishes this expression formally.

The paper should address the form, content, and context of the work, though not necessarily in equal thirds. Your own critical focus, or thesis, will determine the balance of that.

As the focus is on your own analysis, no outside sources are required; however, any sources that are used either directly through quotation or indirectly through paraphrase must be fully documented using MLA Style

Each short analysis essay should be 2-3 pages (or about 700 words), typed, in MLA Style.

I have to talk about the picture and without saying "I" and only talk a little bit about the story behind the picture

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La Malinche
The "Dream of Malinche" was painted by Antonio Ruiz in 1939. The painter believed that Malinche had a vision regarding her troubles about the Mexican community. Therefore, Ruiz used patterns and color to pass across the significance of Malinche in the Mexican community.
The painting shows a woman in a sleeping position and above her body is the structure of the Mexican community and a church at the peak. The use of this patterns to bring out the buildings lying on a woman's body is made to evoke the illustration of Aztecs. These are female gods among the Mexican community. As well, this pattern is an indication of the Mexican community which was built on the basis of Malinche's efforts. She is the foundation of Mexico just like the manner in which the buildings on the painting lie of her body. Also, the painter uses a pattern to draw lighting above the body of Malinche. The lighting shows that the dream of Malinche might be characterized by troubles. In addition, this could mean that she is worried about the progress of Mexico. She is the solid rock holding Mexico together. Similar to other foundations, if she moves, the structure of Mexico will come crumbling down. Ruiz has a strong belief that it is the obligation of Malinche to help and guide the Mexican community into becoming a stable and strong society.
In addition, Ruiz uses earth tones which enables him to separate the various images to bring out an illusion of a...
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