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K-12 Teacher Training Modules

Essay Instructions:

!!!!please check the files as background!!!!!!
Designing a K-12 Teacher Training Program (Part Three - Training Evaluation)
This three-part assignment aims to ensure you understand how to conduct a needs assessment and use the information you learn to design a training program. Notably, the program you design will not be focused on the curriculum teachers complete to become certified. Instead, this training is focused on the classes and workshops K-12 teachers complete once they are teaching full-time.
Part Two: Training Evaluation. Please use the following document to complete Part 3 of the assignment - Training Design. The document is available PARTTHREE_Evaluating The K-12 Teacher Training Program.docxActions here.
Additional Notes
You are required to use a file upload for this assignment.
The questions should be numbered and appear above the response
Two sources are required for #1b
One source is required for #3b
A strong rationale is needed for both results measures discussed in #4a

Essay Sample Content Preview:
K-12 Teacher Training Modules
Part 3 of 3 – Training Evaluation
Assignment Goal. This three-part assignment aims to ensure you understand how to conduct a needs assessment and use the information you learn to design a training program. Notably, the program you design will not be focused on the curriculum teachers complete to become certified. Instead, this training is focused on the classes and workshops K-12 teachers complete once they are teaching full-time.

Relevant Textbook Chapters

Point Value
(150 Total Points)

When will the assignment be explained in class?

*When will the assignment be available on Canvas?

When is the assignment due on Canvas?

Part One – Needs Assessment

* Chapter 3

35 Points

Thurs, Oct 14

Sun. Oct 17 at Midnight

Tues. Nov. 9
(Updated due date)

Part Two – Program Design

* Chapter 5
* Chapter 7
* Chapter 8*
*If the training program will include online learning

80 Points

Thurs, Nov 4

Sun. Nov 7 at Midnight

Sun. Nov 21
(Updated due date)

Part Three – Program Evaluation

* Chapter 6

35 Points

Thurs, Dec 2

Sun, Dec 5 at Midnight

Tues, Dec 14.
Late assignments will not be accepted!

Directions: Now that you have designed the training program for teachers, it’s time to create a training evaluation.
When is the K-12 Teacher Training Program Design due?
* It is due Tues, Dec 14 before Midnight (EST).
* Since we are at the end of the semester, late assignments will not be accepted! You will receive a zero if the assignment is not submitted.
* It will open on Canvas at Midnight on Sun, Dec 5
How many points is the assignment worth?
* The Part 3 assignment is worth 35 points.
What chapters should we use to complete this assignment?
* You will use Chapter 6 to complete this assignment.
Assignment Background: Drawing from what we learned in class, you will design two K-12 Teacher Training program measures. Specifically, you will design a Kirkpatrick Level 1 - reaction measure and a Kirkpatrick Level 4 – results measure. 
* Kirkpatrick – Level 1 Reaction Measure. This is a measure the teachers from your K-12 Teaching program would complete immediately after attending the training program. 
* Kirkpatrick – Level 4 Results Measure.  This is a measure the school (likely the principal) would evaluate 3-6 months after the teachers completed the  K-12 Teaching program.  
Directions: Please answer the following FOUR questions about the K-12 Teacher Training Program. Make sure the questions appear above your responses.
1. Reaction Measure.  
1a. Define reaction measures and describe why it's helpful to evaluate a training program.
Reaction measures refer to the participants’ reactions in a given training program. These measures are the ones that are usually contemplated in the Kirkpatrick Model, which takes into consideration the feelings and perception of the participants in the training. This is helpful in evaluating a training program since one’s satisfaction or interests also increases his comprehension and application of resource studied.
1b. Describe TWO advantages of u...
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