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Julian Stringer's Review of the Hong Kong Film "The Killer"

Essay Instructions:


• Purpose: to cultivate the habits of critical reading by making arguments and providing evidence

• Content: identify an argument (not merely a topic) from a required reading (with direct quotations and page numbers) and discuss it in relation to the designated film of the day

• Focus: your ability to articulate someone else’ argument and state your interpretation of a film in relation to that argument; mere factual information or plot summary won’t count as argument

• Length: 1 double-space page or 350 words for each short paper; the portion in excess of the limit will not be graded for credit

• Grading: out of 10 points for each commentary, 3 for identification of an argument and logical transition, 3 points for film discussion focused on details, and 4 for writing (grammar, expression, coherence, style)

Required Film: The Killer.

Youtube link: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=2AT7yvmdiqo

Required Readings:

Stringer on masculinity(uploaded), please refer the argument from required reading, thanks.

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The Killer Review by Julian Stringer
The killer is an action Hong Kong film that John Woo directed. The picture gained cult fame, and according to Stringer, Julian. " it was a new better beginning of Hong Kong cinema (Stringer.,27)." The 'new' in this action of Hong Kong referred to the combination types of influences this film had acquired globally. It was oriented from male characters with masculine themes. In support of Trigger's claim, the film was the change of Hong Kong film since its producer John Woo was being influenced by the uncertainty of Hong Kong politics. According to Stringer, Julian. "the film created masculine stars that both had capabilities of both kinetic and energy, and the theme of suffering which comprised of both loss and sadness (Stringer.,39)." The suffering theme is well reflected through slow-motion techniques and zooms. This was series where Ah Jong was fighting officers after slaying a politic...
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