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The Journal Question For Just Like Water In Chocolate

Essay Instructions:

it is the journal question from the book: just like water in chocolate (these are daily journal question, you can add your own thoughts and does have to be very long for each.)
1. what are some connections between the mexican revolution powerpiont (just the gerenal information about the war) and the book? please reference specific examples from any chapter we have read (first chapter to third)
2. Tita's life is heavily influenced by traditions, both from mama Elena and from the Nacha. in what way are these traditions helpful force that preserve family and culture? in what ways are they old-fashioned hindrances that prevent people from moving forward?
3.After mama Elana's death Tita finds love leters that reveal her mother's forbidden love for a mulatto man. how does tita react to this new information? what lessons does she glean from it? how ould you react of you were in tita's position?
4.Wishes: what does tita wish for? which wishes come true? why might Esquivel use this wish motif; what effect might it have on the plot. character development, and the readers? explain of war: what is Esquivel trying to show about war through magical realism and the book as the whole? (chapter: September)
5. (oct. nov) A large portion of this chapter is dedicated to Trevino's backstory-why might that be? do you see any parallels between his relationship with Gertrudis (and Juan for that matter) and any other relationship in the book?

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The journal questions for Like Water for Chocolate
The Mexican Revolution and the book related to that, the Revolution occasioned out of the need by different factions within the country to end the dictatorial rule in the country that had lasted for thirty years. Additionally, the dissatisfaction with the old rules that offered preferential treatment to wealthy landowners and businesspersons also pushed them to replace it with a constitutional republic. The novel’s central theme is about Tita’s struggle to come to terms with the De La Garza family tradition that forbade the marriage of the last-born daughter and instead demanded that she takes care of her mother until death, a move that resulted in her rebellion. In this regard, Mama Elena represents the old rule while Tita’s rebellion represents the need for its abolishment.
The El-De-Gaza family tradition enforced by Mama Elena making Tita a servant to her mother till she dies preserves family by ensuring the elderly are taken care of in their old age, instead of being left alone. The tradition of food and the art of preparing it is a significant culture passed to Tita by Nacha represents a way by which generations honor and recall their ancestors, share their feelings and bring happiness to those that adopt it. However, some traditions were a hindrance to people moving forward. First, the tradition upheld by Tita’s family requiring their obedience to rules and directions blindly without questioning, forced the continued observance of the El-De-Gaza tradition. Secondly, the culture, inhibiting the last-born daughter from marriage hampers one’s liberty to find love and confines them into slavery. The traditions of controlling the behavior of women in every aspect of their lives impeded their rights of expression and right to experience autonomy of their choices.
Upon discovering the letters, Tita felt a mixture of guilt for finding her mother’s deep secret and sadness for her mother who lived the entirety of life without love, feelings she expressed by crying. She learned that love was crucial to a person’s life and she vowed not to run away from it by believing John was her true love. Personally, I would be angry and disappointed on di...
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