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Journal Entry 3

Essay Instructions:
For Writer Peter For this week's entry, please check in about your Essay 1 with a self-assessement. 1) I'm curious to know how you went about writing your summary--what method you used to encapsulate the main ideas, organize them, how you decided which short direct quotations to include, and your revision process for creating a coherent representation of the director's essential message--so please share. 2) Next, tell me about the response part of your paper. Did you do any online research? Were you successful in finding information that corroborated (or countered) the opinions expressed in the movie? If so, what websites/articles helped you the most? 3) How did you go about organizing your response? 4) Are you pleased with how the paper turned out? Which aspect are you most pleased with? Least pleased with? What part or parts would you revise if you had more time? 5) Did you make any discoveries along the way--about your own writing process, about the topic, etc.? Did you overcome any obstacles? If so, this would be a good place to share those. 6) Is there room for improvement as you begin drafting Essay 2? If so, what might you do differently?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reflection Paper
1. During the time, when the director was giving the message, I took notes in a non-organized manner and I substituted confusing areas with a recording of the conversation. From the disorganized information, I first organized the information I collected from the message. I did that by grouping the information according to the similarity between the subjects of study. For example, I grouped all information about career together. Second, I developed a thesis statement, which offered my paper an outline model. I did this according to the guidelines given, which I was to use as the basis for writing the paper. Third, I developed an outline for the paper, and where necessary, I wrote the outline in question-answer style. Fourth, I developed the paper summary, on the basis of the outline I had prepared. In deciding the direct quotes to include, I picked the message areas that formed the key points of the message. The revision process involved proofreading the report, following the raw information and the outline of the report.
2. In the response part of my paper, I conducted library and online research, which offered me insights on information that compared the views expressed in the movie. The online research offered insights on the best presentation outline of the report. I was successful in finding information that supported the movie, and the information gave more insights on the content of the movie. The review also offered further insights about the reviews given by other viewers. The websites that helped me the most included user review blogs, user review sites like YouTube, where I found a copy of the movie, and also movie review websites. An example was the movies’ YouTube review.
3. In organizing my response, I grouped all the information on the basis of the similarity of content area, followed b...
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