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Jean-Michel Basquiat's Work and the Movement in that Period of Time

Essay Instructions:

Students should attend a local museum and write a reflection paper on art that represents movement of the 20th or 21st centuries. Paper should be about five paragraphs and should describe in detail two or more pieces that define the work observed. Paper should be 2-4 pages including photos.

Above is the basic requirement of this paper, I've already been to a museum called the Broad in Los Angeles and taken the photo I need for this paper. The photo will include in the additional file, the artist is Jean-Michl Basquiat, I believe the movement is performance art (if I was wrong, please correct in the paper).

Here is a link of Basquiat's bio from the museum I went:


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Jean-Michel Basquiat's Work and the Movement in that Period of Time
I obtained my art work from a museum known as the Broad that is located in Los Angeles. Specifically, I took a photo of one of the artwork that was painted by Jean-Michl Basquiat. Further, the work is a performance art that was made in the late 20th century when artwork had not greatly revolutionized. Therefore, the assignment will focus on a reflection of the piece of work including the goal of the artist and whether the objective was met.
Actually, the painting is a form of self-portraiture which is untitled and it is someway autobiographical. However, there are certain spirited marks and wild colors that indicate a surfeit of internal activity. The artist developed his own iconography that alludes to the appropriation of African masks which acted as a means of exploring identity. The art was made over several months which are revealed in the worked surface and imagery. However, most of the piece was completed within a few days and involved a burst of energy. Moreover, the intensity of the painting shows Basquiat’s anxieties that surrounded the pressure of a successful commercial artist. However, the objective of the painting was to act as a tribute to the Jazz music which was common at the time. Actually, the person drawn in the painting holds musical instruments which proves the intention of the artist which was to show a tribute to the contemporary Jazz music which was starting to gain fame. The objective of the work is seen in the manner in which the image is painted where it has a sense of rhythms that emerges and fades away, then reemerge and combined as if showing the improvisation of the Jazz. Therefore, the Jazz music was the major motivational factor behind the painting.
Ideally, the image looks simple and it is difficult to understand the goal of the artist. However, after having a closer look and analyzing every element in the painting, an individual can easily understands that the image is a performance art which shows an attribute to the Jazz music that was famous at the period. Generally, I will say that the artist met the purpose of the wor...
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