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Origin Of The Japanese Language And Its Close Relation To The Chinese Language

Essay Instructions:

Main theme is surrounding by language, explain why Japanese has some Chinese character, talk about the history background briefly.
Why except China, Japan and Korea, other country like Europe, America they all using English alphabet.
Why there are so many foreign words in so many languages.
The formation of today's language system, what kind of relationship is it between the region and culture.
(e.g. Japanese contains Chinese, is it because both country is geographically close?)
P.S : I'm in grade 9 grade 10 English writing level, please do not write too deep!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Origin of the Japanese language and its close relation to the Chinese language
There exist different languages spoken worldwide. Different geographical regions and localities will speak different languages. Some languages are similar, but there exist a few words that differ from each other. Some of the renowned languages spoken by many people are Japanese, Chinese, English, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali, Hindu, and Russian among others. Some of these languages have similarity in the alphabets used while others are completely different.
There have been many theories that have tried to explain the origin of Japanese languages, some writers, though, such as Roy Miller, have come out to express how hard it is to determine the source of Chinese language. What stands out is that the Chinese played a role in the formation of the Japanese language. The Japanese language is made up of only five vowel sounds and different syllable with few variations.
The Japanese had no prior form of writing system before of introduction of Chinese which was used by Chinese who lived in Japan during the Christian era. The few Japanese who acquired an education were first taught to write in Chinese. The Japanese and Chinese languages are quite similar as most of the Japanese Kanji is borrowed from Chinese CITATION Toy07 \l 1033 (Toyoda). Kanji is the use of character to represent a specific meaning. Japanese, though, does not have any genetic relationship with Chinese relation. Japanese is thought to have been brought by settlers who came from continental Asia and the Pacific Islands CITATION Con12 \l 1033 (Conrad Schirokauer). With the spread of Buddhism religion, the Chinese writing system was introduced to Japan: the earliest texts in Japan are written in Chinese though they might have been meant to be read as Japanese using the cabin method.
Some other theories have also speculated that Japanese borrowed a little of it from the Korean language because of its close geographic location. Korean and Japanese and there is scientific evidence that supports their relationship. The phonology and the grammatical morphology coincide. A good example is when it comes to word order it is so similar that translation would require a little rearrangement. The two languages do not have articles, but have prepositions to show grammatical functions.
Another theory is the relation of the Japanese language to Mayo Polynesian language. Some linguists have also suggested that Japanese is related to Malayo-Polynesian languages and the Austronesian. They share all the five common vowels and attributes of open syllables as well as they have no diphthongs. Such traits show a close connection between the Japanese language and languages of the isles of the sea. This theory, though, is not as solid as it does not explain the eight vowels found in the old Japanese.
Use of English alphabets
Alphabetic writing dates back to nearly 4000 years ago. The alphabet used between twenty-two and thirty-two letters CITATION Dav05 \l 1033 (Sacks). The Canaanite alphabet was introduced to Greece by the Phoenicians; the Greece improved by adding vowels. The Greek alphabet was the first actual phonetic alphabet. Greeks later took it to Italy where it got to evolve to Latin alphabet.
The Latin alphabet evolved after it was taken to England controlled by Anglo-Saxons who spoke old English. The modern English alphabet developed from a combination of the Latin alphabet and the old English alphabet. With several additions and subtractions, it brought the total number of letters to 26. The English alphabets are commonly used in most European countries.
Apart from the Koreans, Japanese, Chinese and Russian languages, other languages use the English alphabets in their writing style. The English letters are the most common used writing system in the world. It is the official script for languages in Western Europe, Stern Europe, some non-European countries such as Vietnamese, romance languages (French, Spanish, and Italian among others). The alphabet is a writing system that was drawn from the Greek alphabet. Over the years, some letters have changed while some have lost and gained, while several writing styles have developed.
Languages that added foreign terms to the English language
The core of English is mainly drawn from old English. The majority of ...
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