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Interrogational Torture is Ever Acceptable

Essay Instructions:

MUST be written in 3RD person utilizing the TOULMIN METHOD of ARGUMENTATION.


-5 Sources (Must be Peer Reviewed)

-900 to 1000 words

-Annotated bibliography

Make sure to include the following sections in your essay:

an introduction and claim,



and a conclusion.

Within the body of your essay, make sure to include the following in any order:

support for your claim,

opposing or alternate views,

scholarly research,

and rebuttals. 

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Interrogational torture is ever acceptable
Course title:
Interrogational torture is ever acceptable
Using torture and brutal techniques of interrogation against terrorist suspects is commonly used to retrieve information from suspects and to prevent terror attacks. Interrogational torture is understood as officially authorized infliction of extreme suffering whose aim is to force a person to say or do something against the will of that person. It is unlawful to utilize interrogational torture under international law (O'Donohue et al. 110). In this paper, the claim that interrogation torture is ever justified and acceptable is supported. The paper also provides counter arguments and alternative/opposing viewpoints as well as refutations to these opposing/alternative views.
Support of the claim: Interrogational torture is ever acceptable
Basing on utilitarian principle, benefits of interrogational torture outweigh the cost
The risks of one terrorist putting the lives of so many innocent people in danger with a long-term plot are too significant to be disregarded. Interrogating a single person could help in revealing even more information to prevent other likely schemes (Calabresi 18). The use of torture is even more justified given that the torturer puts a single individual in pain. Not only are some many more lives saved, but torturing a person causes that person impermanent physical pain. On the other hand, killing many people is actually a permanent damage. All in all, if one man is put in momentary pain and this helps in preventing the deaths of thousands more, the benefits significantly outweigh the cost. Torture is also acceptable assuming that the suspect is guilty hence deserves punishment, and there is no other way to retrieve information (Chwastiak 494).
Interrogational torture acts as a deterrent
The use of torture and other brutal techniques serves as a deterrent to others. It is worth mentioning that painful and physical consequences of a person’s actions are a greater deterrent in comparison to incarceration. This is due to the comparative safety that a person could have in jail in comparison to the pain felt during torture (Stein 12). Fear of torture is highly effective and could be utilized as a deterrent.
Terrorism is a major security threat necessitating extra measures to protect people
Terrorism these days has become a much bigger threat to a country’s security than before. Today, terrorism is quick, not easy to detect, and has a high impact. International tensions brought about by Western – particularly US – involvement in the Arab world and other causes may increase (Stein 13). It is realistic to presume that terrorist activity would also increase or continue. Moreover, weapons today are more deadly than before and are easier to acquire or make for oneself. As such, the extra measures such as interrogational torture are justified and acceptable to protect innocent persons.
The use of interrogational torture could be controlled
If interrogational torture is accepted, then it could be properly controlled. In essence, rules and definitions could be set aimed at preventing needless and overtly cruel, merciless techniques from happening. Stone (21) noted that if torture is utilized as a last resort to save the lives of so many people, it needs to be administered overtly, with accountability, and with approval by U.S. President or by a justice of a Supreme Court.
Opposing or alternate views
International laws forbid interrogational torture: Article 3: 1 (a) of the Geneva Conventions forbids using violence to a person, including all kinds of murder, cruel treatment, mutilation and torture. The UN Convention Against Torture prohibits torture of all terrorists, prisoners of war, combatants, and civilians alike. This is a clear-cut piece of international law that bans the usage of to...
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