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Explain Your Intentions And Objectives For The Project From A Narrative Perspective

Essay Instructions:

This assignment will require you to produce a 3-4 page creative “rewrite” or cover of a work of literature we have read. For example, you might re-conceptualize a pivotal scene from a text from the point-of-view of an antagonist or secondary character, change the time period that the work is set in, reframe the central conflict at play, etc. Additionally, you will compose a 1-page reflection/rationale in which you explain your intentions and objectives for the project from a narrative perspective. While this assignment is designed to afford you some creative latitude, understand that my assessment will focus more on how you convey your understanding of literature than on your abilities as a fiction writer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Creative Cover
As the night wore on, I began to get that familiar feeling. I woke up at once for it would soon be daylight. I wanted to see that woman pass by since I knew she would do so any time from daybreak till dusk. I wondered where she came from but I only knew she would pass by my house. That woman struck me as strange, like some spirit from the underworld. She was always creeping like she never wanted to be heard. Sometimes I thought she was stupid because she passed by in broad daylight and creeping would do her no good for everyone could see her pass. I wondered if anyone else had seen her or was it all my imagination. No one else talked about her even though her behavior was strange.
I wanted to catch her. This time around, I was determined to have a conversation with her, to ask her why she crept in broad daylight. I hurriedly performed my morning chores, all the while looking out at the window to see if she passed by. The hours wore on and the waiting seemed to have been going on forever. “What Kept her late today?” I asked. But even as I waited, I struggled to keep myself awake. The morning chores seemed to have taken their toll on me. I slept off.
I was awakened by the sound of thunder. There was no sign of rain in the morning. I looked at the wall clock and the time pointed at 2:15pm. Instinctively, I looked out and there was the woman, unperturbed by the rain. She was creeping even more slowly. It looked like she wanted to absorb every drop of the rain. I ran out towards the blackberry vines where she was approaching. As I got closer to her, I had a nagging feeling that I was making a mistake. A strange swirling came out of nowhere and hit me hard. I struggled to maintain my balance while she walked on more steadily. As my hand reached out to touch her, I heard the sound of my husband, John talking to me as he grabbed my hands. “What are you doing in the middle of this storm?” He asked. The question caught me off guard. “Did he mean he never saw the woman?” I wondered.
I wondered whether to tell John about the strange woman but I knew he would only believe that I was mad. We walked to back to the house while the heavy rain pelted us. I was shivering like I had been in the rain for hours. The influence the woman had on me was telling. Sometimes I locked myself in the house and crept while John was away. I couldn’t do it in his presence. But creeping during the day felt awkward to me. I wanted to creep at night, but because I was sharing the room with John, I could not. John was very queer that I could never imagine irritating him. How I wished John could just take another room and let me creep at night (Gilman 654). Maybe, with John absent, the woman w...
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