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Intellectual Safe Spaces. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Spacing has to be double.

You have been provided a number of articles and essays related to the case you've been assigned, and you've spent time reading and reviewing the various discussion posts about the issues involved. You've also spent the week understanding how to construct an Argumentative Essay. Now is the time to bring those components together and construct your own argument.

The issues in case have raised a number of questions worthy of exploration, and they have also brought related concerns to the forefront. Consider the following topics as you decide upon the best approach for your essay, and select one of the prompts as your topic for Essay Two.

Prompt 1) Do intellectual safe spaces belong on college campuses? How might they help or hinder safe spaces and a college's mission of having a free and open learning environment? Can intellectual safe spaces be used without limiting or quashing freedom of speech completely?

Prompt 2) Do trigger warnings belong on college campuses? How might they help or hinder free speech and a college's mission of having a free and open learning environment? Can trigger warnings be used without limiting or quashing freedom of speech completely?

Prompt 3) Given the content and context of Christakis' email, was the reaction by the Yale student body to the email justified and/or appropriate? Consider how you perceived the intent of the email by examining the content of the email carefully when arriving at your decision. Also, consider the demands and expectations the student body wanted from the Christakises in light of your decision.

Prompt 4) When Christakis asked a student when speech should be limited, the student's response was "When it hurts me" (Wright). Should speech be limited to prevent it from hurting others? Consider the benefits and the dangers of this ideology when supporting your position.

Content Issues

Consider who your audience will be. Are you informing the public of the issue? Are you appealing to a governing body to take your side? Are you informing a specific group in hopes of gaining their support for your cause? Take your audience into consideration when formulating your approach.

You may not use first or second person for this essay.


Since you need to know how to write longer essays for other classes, this essay cannot be a 5 –paragraph style essay. You must be able to expand on that style of essay to write longer and more complex essays. Your essay, therefore, should be between 600 and 800 words in length--no more, no less.

Transitions and linking ideas (organizational styles) are also very important for this essay.

Research Issues:

You must have a minimum of four sources from this essay. Three of those may come from the materials provided in this Unit, but the other should come from GALILEO sources. The additional source may be from a database (such as Opposing Viewpoints, Lexis Nexis, or Academic Search Premier). You may not use any sources besides GALILEO sources, unless the source comes from a reputable news site that you cannot locate on GALILEO. Lexis Nexis could be used to access newspaper sources, so it may be useful to check there first. (Note: Wikipedia is not a valid news source and should never be used as a credible source for support.)

Encyclopedia and Dictionary references should NOT be used and are not suitable sources for this or any other essay.

There must be a balance of information from all four sources, and that information must also be balanced throughout the essay. In the last essay, we discussed the importance of providing a balance of information.

Proper format for MLA parenthetical citations is required.

Proper format for quotations is also required for this essay.

The Works Cited page must be in correct MLA format.


Introductions/conclusions will also evaluated more stringently.

All other criteria we’ve discussed so far is also considered.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Intellectual Safe Spaces
One of the most important aspects that play a role in maintaining peace in colleges is according the students the freedom of speech. This can be a challenging task because the colleges have to be run as per the rules. If care is not taken, then the students will be all over the streets making demands that are difficult to meet. However, most of the colleges which follow the western ways of education have incorporated intellectual safe spaces in the campuses. The safe spaces have different impacts on the open learning environment and can be used without any limits.
Intellectual safe spaces provide the students with an opportunity to express their views without the fear of being judged hence helping in the mission of having a free and open learning environment. Campus students are known to have strong political views and, therefore, the safe spaces act as a free platform whereby, they can express such views and come up with a decision without the influence of the college rules (Shulevitz 2015). Such decisions are directed towards the best interests of the students and, hence, the safe spaces play a substantial role in enhancing a free learning environment. Students feel free when their needs are taken into considerations without having to riot. It makes them feel that they are part of the decision making team within the campus. In addition, this means that the decisions made from a safe space are helping with the learning environment through the elimination of discussions which, could otherwise have interrupted studies.
As well, the safe spaces help in the promotion of the college's mission of having a free and open learning environment by allowing students to think without the fear of being discriminated. Given the increase in war crisis around the world, most of the colleges are admitting students from other parts of the world hence creating a variation in culture. The results of such variations are that the minority might feel oppressed and discriminated against. In addition, this affects their learning process because they feel that they do not have a free space to express their views. For instance, a person's culture might not be appreciated by the students of the native country and, therefore, it becomes easy for the student to express their ideas without facing opposition. Safe spaces provide the opportunity for students to think without having to worry about ethnic differences. It is a free zone of thi...
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