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Informational Interview on a Crew Chief of American Airlines

Essay Instructions:

Write a 2-3 page (double-spaced) summary of your informational interview experience, using the following questions as a guide:

Attached are files of three previous assignments that go with this final project here. I interviewed a manager at American Airlines.

▪ What was the process of finding and setting up the interview like for you? What challenges did you face, if any, with this process and what would you do differently next time?

▪ Describe your interviewee. Provide interviewee name, job title, company, and a brief description of the type of work this person does.

▪ What types of questions did you ask?

▪ What was the most interesting or useful part of the interview for you? Was there an “ah-ha” moment?

▪ What impact did this informational interview have on your future career goals? Did it confirm your plans? Help you make a decision? Eliminate an option? Something else?

▪ Was there anything you did not learn from this interview, but wish you had?

▪ What will you do next? What are your action steps?

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October 25, 2022
Informational Interview
Understanding the intricacies of interviews is essential for any student and professional alike. These tools allow us to be able to learn from others’ experiences and use that knowledge for the benefit of everyone who might need it. In line with this, I would like to focus on some of the challenges and learning experiences that I had while interviewing Mr. Austin Sebesta, crew chief for American Airlines.
Setting up the Interview
One of the most essential yet challenging parts of an interview is finding your subject and setting up your interview. For the most part, this difficulty was due to the challenge of finding a willing candidate with the time to allow interviewees like us. While finding the perfect interviewee for this session, I realized that it would be best to send multiple request letters to make sure that you would be able to find a person (or professional) who can accommodate your request. This was the strategy we used to find a manager from American Airlines, given that most of them live on a tight schedule.
Aside from sending out multiple requests, another important learning that I had was the necessity of checking (and re-checking) your questionnaire. This was one of my lapses during this interview process, thinking that a single reading of the interview questions would already give me mastery over the course of the process.
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