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Influences of the Gaming Culture in Education

Essay Instructions:

my essay about the game influences education. The writer needs to show what is the situation right now. and show the good influences and bad influences. for the total goal of this essay, the writer need to show the bad greater than the good. for the resources, writer at least find one good part source. Using google scholar to find sources. Also about the cultural diversity. There are specific requests from my professor.

After you have read several academic articles on your topic, you will develop a thesis statement that makes an arguable claim about the social/cultural/political function of the particular area of the sciences that you are addressing through the lens of cultural diversity. You will conduct both preexisting and original research based on the research questions that you develop in class. Then you will craft an essay that makes an innovative argument that uses supporting textual examples and analysis. You must use in-text citations and a works cited page, which will include a minimum of five sources.

Essay Requirements:
4-5 pages
5 sources (3 scholarly, 2 informal)

Higher Order Concerns:
-Original Research
- Preexisting Research
- Strong, unique Thesis
- Use of Textual Support
- Organization (transitions and topic sentences: main idea of the paragraph and refer back to the thesis in some way)
- Analysis

Lower Order Concerns:
- Grammar
- Spelling
- Sentence Structure (Is there sentence variety? Long and short sentences?)
- Word Choice (No contractions/formal diction/appropriate for the subject matter)
- Transitions

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Influences of the Gaming Culture in Education
Students are spending most of their time in gaming, especially video games on their computers. These gaming activities have led to game addiction, making students forget about their academic works (Eshrat & Maliheh 98). Barry et. al. study indicates that “frequent gamers (measured as those who spend, on average, more than two hours per day playing games) are less likely to obtain higher marks across all subject disciplines than non- or infrequent gamers (result significant at the 99% level)” (Barry, Jacobs and Watkins 367). Students from different cultural backgrounds meet in the school environment where others who have never experienced any of the video games get to try them out for the first time. At the end they become addicted to the games and lack the power to balance between their academics and games (Kurt, Idit and Caperton 10). Academic excellence goes hand in hand with learners accomplishing various obligations such as group discussions, personal consultations with their trainers and individual studies. However, games have been identified as key learning and mind refreshing activities for learners. Despite this, gaming activities are becoming a serious cultural problem affecting the learners psychologically and their health, result to development of negative behavior, and are addictive which hinders their academic achievements.
The gaming culture brings about psychological and health problems to the learners. With the internet, many leaners have been subjected to gambling games. Consequently, when one loses while playing, they tend to develop stress which if not well-managed results in psychological problems such as trauma and depression (Barry, Jacobs and Watkins 356). Barry et. al. further stated that gambling has adverse effects such that in every 20 students involved at least one of them has been diagnosed to have mental disorders. Zamani et. al. carried out a study in city of Isfahan in the educational year of 2009-2010 with a sample of 564 students with the aim of studying the computer games effect on male and female students’ physical and mental health. They concluded that “there was a direct relationship between addiction to computer games and physical disorder, anxiety, sleep disorder and depression” (Zamani et. al 102). Computer games utilized by most students lead to the development of disorders such as obesity as these games do not engage the body physically. Various studies show that playing too much computer games causes physical disorders that lead to the anxiety of the players (Zamani et. al 98). Zamani et. al, in addition, revealed that those learners who are addicted to computer games have higher heartbeat and blood pressure on the grounds that they are subjected to too much stress and excitement. Many of them do not understand how time elapses and even some forget to eat which affects their body health.
Gaming culture results to other associated negative behaviors being developed by the students. Students watching and playing various games that are so violent such as wrestling, tend to emulate such behaviors in schools. Barry et. al. in their research posit that, “The parents of a murdered teenager claimed that by depicting methods for committing murderous acts, the game represented a significant influential factor in triggering their son’s killing by a 17-year-old boy who was reported to have been obsessed by the game” ( Barry, Jacobs and Watkins 356). The vice developed influences the learning of students negatively whereby the focus on academics is lost (Anderson &Bushman 353). Furthermore, violent students are mostly indiscipline, an aspect that learning institutions do not tolerate. Culprits are suspended, expelled or taken to juvenile schools which in most cases cause victims to suffer from depression. More often, people from diverse ethnic or cu...
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