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Big Debates in Cultural Anthropology: Inequality between men and women

Essay Instructions:

Part III—Short Essay: Big Debates in Cultural Anthropology (35points)Be sure to present an argument and support that argument using at least three examples or pieces of evidence from our assigned readings and materials presented in lecture and discussion. In your essay, be sure to include which reading materials you are citing. Lastly, be sure to describe how and why the evidence you include supports your argument.

Why is there inequality between men and women? You will need to consider hegemonic gender roles as well as gender status and economic stratification to address this question. You will also need to use evidence from the article by Scheper-Hughes to address this question.

this essay is for my Anthropology final. This essay is based on these three readings i have uploaded

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Inequality between Men and Women
Inequality between Men and Women
Inequality between men and women has existed over the centuries of human existence. In today’s modern world, just like the ancient times, women have been discriminated against regarding their roles in society and also set behavioural norms they are supposed to follow. Unlike their male counterparts, women have been boxed into a corner to conform to set societal standards, which they are expected to adhere to. This has women struggle to have their voice heard. The struggles of women to have their voices heard should not surprise us, given their awareness of the role played by ideology in structuring society (Coates, 2015). This discrimination has been engrained by the patriarchal nature of the male world in which the man is expected to stand out as the most superior over his female counterparts.
In marriage set up, a woman is traditionally expected to serve the man (Jewkens, Morels et al., 2015). She is also expected not to have any other partners outside her marriage set up, if she does, it will have her being labeled names and seen as a not adhering to set standards of marriage. An example of a woman being there to serve a man is depicted in the article ‘When Brothers Share a Wife.' Dorje is in a polyandrous set up of marriage, even though the marriage set up is a unique one, where she shares brothers, she still is exp...
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