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Reading Interpretation of Flannery O’Connor’s "Greenleaf"

Essay Instructions:

The student will research some literary aspect of one assigned reading (no more than 2 of the Independent Reading Logs may be short stories). The student will summarize the opinions of 2-3 scholars on this aspect (300-500 words) and then write a 300 word reflection on how the findings impact interpretation of the work. This should include a Works Cited page and be in MLA format.

Choice of texts:

- Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth. (Any edition) **** Already Written ****

- O’Connor, Flannery. The Complete Stories. New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 1971. Print.

Stories to read: “Greenleaf,” “Judgement Day,” “The Enduring Chill,” “Good Country People,” “Everything that Rises Must Converge,” “Revelation”

- Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. (Any edition; the book is freely available online.)

- Wiebe, Rudy. Peace Shall Destroy Many. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2001. Print.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Reading Log –Greenleaf
Flannery O’Connor’s Greenleaf depicts two equally contrasting main characters, i.e., Mrs. May and his handyman Mr. Greenleaf, whose actions and attributes define the storyline. The story revolves around the different attributes of the characters, creating a conflict that is evident to the reader. Mr. Greeleaf, on the other hand, is depicted as a simple, less-educated, yet hardworking man who has managed to work for Mrs. May for fifteen years and has raised his sons to be successful. Flannery O’Connor uses the Christian faith, practiced by both characters, to demystify themes such as faith and control.
Mrs. May is depicted as a cold, selfish and unkind woman. O’Connor portrays Mrs. May as a self-centered woman who thinks poorly and lowly of other people. Mrs. May is proud of her status and views the Greenleafs as inferior and unworthy of success. At first, the author depicts Mrs. May as a respectable old woman who portrays a behavior that seeks always to be right. The author seems to draw sympathy for Mrs. May for her tribulations. Bad and ‘unfair’ things are happening in her life. For example, the premature death of her husband and having to employ Mr. Greenleaf for fifteen years, who, together with his family, she despised (O'Connor 313). Later in the story, we learn that she is undeserving of any sympathy. The author exposes her cruelty and judgmental against Mr. Greenleaf and his family. In their association, Mrs. May views the Greenleafs as “scrub-human” (O'Connor 317). The author portrays the nature and personality of Mrs. May as a superficial woman filled with jealousy, contempt, and bitterness against the success of the Greenleaf.
Mrs. May is portrayed as a successful farmer woman who puts her things in order and her control. Since the demise of her husband, she was able to manage...
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