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Independent Reading Log 3 Judgment Day Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

The student will research some literary aspect of one assigned reading (no more than 2 of the Independent Reading Logs may be short stories). The student will summarize the opinions of 2-3 scholars on this aspect (300-500 words) and then write a 300 word reflection on how the findings impact interpretation

of the work. This should include a Works Cited page and be in MLA format.

Choice of texts:

- Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth. (Any edition) *** Already Written ***

- O’Connor, Flannery. The Complete Stories. New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 1971. Print.

Stories to choose from:

- “Greenleaf,”

- “Judgement Day,”

- “The Enduring Chill,”

- “Good Country People,”

- “Everything that Rises Must Converge,”

- “Revelation”

- Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. (Any edition; the book is freely available online.)

- Wiebe, Rudy. Peace Shall Destroy Many. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2001. Print.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Reading Log: Judgment Day
Flannery O’Connor offers the reader a thematic story focusing on the possibility of resurrection after death on the ‘Judgment Day’ given that one keeps their promises, does the right thing, honors the parents and is generally on the right path of life. The resurrection is portrayed by Tanner’s dire need to return to his native county, Corinth, Georgia at whatever cost, dead or alive, from his daughter’s apartment in New York. Tanner is prepared to pay the price of returning to his homeland, which he nostalgically longs for, and realizes that it was a mistake consenting his home for New York. O’Connor also depicts the cultural and social differences that exist between the South and the North, differences that amaze Tanner, who is also too old to change or adapt.
O’Connor starts off by introducing T.C. Tanner, the main protagonist. Tanner is living in his daughter’s New York apartment. He despises being there and wishes to return to his hometown. Being an old man, Tanner finds it difficult to deal with people in the city as he is accustomed to his old life in the South. In the city, Tanner has stepped out of his comfort zone and is finding it hard to adapt. The author uses a series of flashback to bring the story to life. Early in the story, we learn that Tanner had a stroke thanks to the altercation he had with his daughter’s neighbor, a black actor, living within the same apartment block. Tanner is determined to travel to the South. “Dead or alive. It is being there that mattered; the dead or alive did not” (O'Connor 532). Tanner is portrayed as a proud man. He loved his ways of dealing with black folks back in the south. He loved his hometown asks his daughter to bury him back in Georgia in case he dies. “Bury me here and burn in hell!”, He threatens his daughter (O'Connor 533). Tanner is not letting off his pride.<...
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