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Impressionism: Capturing Of The Sensory Effects

Essay Instructions:

We looked at the different ways of starting these essays in both "A Perfect Coquette" and "Fifty Shades of Abusive Romance." One starts with a close representation of a particular aspect of the art piece (the text) and the other starts with contexts (reactions to Fifty Shades of Grey the movie). Each beginning is interested in establishing the "problem" or "fascination" with the art piece that the writer wants to explore. In your first draft, you are to establish that problem within two pages using “Guernica”. For a third page, you are to begin to explore this problem and the potential ways of thinking about it through both context(s) and by relooking at the art piece. Print the "problem" sentence in bold.

Picasso's painting of “Guernica” and “American soldier holding the flag at IWork Jim's”

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Impressionism The basics of impressionism can be traced to the 1860s having started in Paris. It then spread throughout Europe and eventually found its way into the United States. It was a way of rejecting the government sanctions on exhibitions and even salons, which would also be shunned by some of the academic art institutions. The idea behind the impressionism approach was the elements of capturing the sensory effects of any given scene other than the fine finish and details that were involved in the previous versions and styles. One of the pieces that depicts the true spirit of the expressionism influences is the Guernica that was done by Picasso. It is art piece that depicts the pain and the anguish that came with the bombing of Guernica (Lesser). This is also the case with the image of the soldiers raising a flag at Iwo Jima Island. This is the perfect art form to bring out the element of pain relative to the fact that, it is a piece that shows images of women, children, men and animals after the Guernica bombing. It is an art form that depicts the tragedy of human beings; war and violence. The fascination with the image is that it is one that tries to show the audience the elements of the pain that the people went through, after they were bombed by Franco (Lesser). There are total of six humans, four of whom are women, others include a man and a child. The child in the picture is dead and is held by a woman at the far left side of the painting. The woman holding the dead baby in her arms is presumably the parent and is seen to be in serious anguish over the loss. On the extreme right is another woman that is seen to be shooting her arms up in the air and her face is riddled with concocted pain. She is burning from the fires that are common in bomb sites and her pain is vividly expressed in the painting. The third woman though, is seen to bring a sign of hope as she is holding a torch. Although there are a number of interpretations that are given to the painting and the woman with the torch, it is clear that she is the only one that seems to be out of place in the image. The rest of the people are depicted in their most vulnerable point as they surfer the anguish and the devastation of the bomb (Lesser). Regardless of the fact that, the images take on amorphous shapes, they are clearly depicting the current state of the agony that the artist wanted to convey. At the very bottom of the art is the image of a soldier who in this case is in parts and one of his hands is firmly clenched on a broken sword. Seen in the images is the expression that they bring out of the war and violence associated with the same. It is this element of expressionism that was quite alive at the time of the painting where the artists would use their painting to bring out vivid expressions. In this case the element of pain and violence that is associated with the war are very well illustrated. In a single artwork that can be broken into pieces to bring...
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