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Importance of special education and learning disabilities

Essay Instructions:


2. must have in text citations and a works cited page

3. minimum of TWO sources

4. quotes must be cited immediately following the quote

5. Paraphrased/summarized information must be cited at the end of each paragraph where information is used or at the end of where any information from another source is used within the paragraph.

6. Page numbers are only used for direct quotes, if you have them.

7. The in text citations must match the Works Cited and the Works Cited must match the in text citations

8. Periods go after the in text citation

9. The in text citation is just the first word of the title of the article or the author’s last name only

10. Article titles must be in quotation marks. Book titles are italicized.


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Importance of Special Education and Learning Disabilities
Special education refers to the structuring and issuing of learning and teaching strategies to people with learning difficulties. Such difficulties can be hearing impairments, vision impairments, physical disabilities, emotional disturbance, behavioral disorders, intellectual disability, speaking impairments, or learning disorders requiring special education (Morton et al., 5). Some students may suffer one or a combination of several conditions. The introduction of modernization has considerably changed technology and trend in people's lives, but unfortunately, people's perception of children with disabilities has not changed. Society tends to neglect and isolate impaired children, and consequently, the reaction towards them is always adverse, making them develop negativity towards life and the outside world.
It is, however, rightful for every child in society to access equal opportunities to primary education. Special education has become popular because of the rules and programs founded on education, especially planned for children with different impairments (Al-Yagon & Malka 96). These children need distinctive teaching approaches and equipment either within the classroom or outside in extracurricular activities. It is necessary to have special classes for this kind of child to adequately meet their educational needs for personal growth and prepare them for the world after school. This will allow disabled students to gain confidence and enjoy education through individual learning (Morton et al., 110). Learning disabilities and special education are therefore necessary to overcome the challenges and meet the educational expectations of students with special needs.
Importance of special education and learning disabilities
Special education is essential for every child, especially the disabled and those with inadequate economic and social opportunities. The particular education program has allowed impaired children more opportunities to access public education. Besides, the specific education program has offered an efficient action plan for their education with involved institutions to identify disabled children as soon as possible (Slee 21). This has, as a result, promoted significant disabled children's inclusion with nondisabled peers. There is, however, a delay in the provision of services for disabled children, which needs to be addressed.
Learning disabilities will enable the educators to effectively meet the education requirements of the disabled children by following proper well-organized directives, which are well structured to guide the teacher to act according to the slowness or fastness of the student (Peters 3). By providing individual attention to each student and keeping the class size smaller, the students will understand each piece of information passed by their educators. The education received by educators who handle children with disabilities is well-determined to prepare them to teach each student individually. This expertise is achieved through repeated opportunities and trials given to the teachers before properly encoding the information.
Through learning disabilities, teachers become well acquainted with using special tools and teaching aids for handling children with special needs. Continuous use of these unique and unusual ideas improves the teacher's understanding of the information availed to them (Slee 43). The trial and error method of testing various techniques enables educators to identify the appropriate materials and methods of handling disabled children (Al-Yagon & Malka 96). Teachers can embrace tolerance, which is a significant key in special education. Concerning students' behavior, a positive attitude is critical. A student's intellectual abilities can be improved by the right attitude of educators towards them.
A special teacher must possess certain attributes, including creativity, love for children and teaching, hard work, humor, and intuition for the successful handling of children with special needs; otherwise, proper training will not be given to them. Teachers' proper training will enable them to assist disabled children in conquering their exceptional, disability learning problems (Peters 4). Various techniques can be applied to achieve this through appropriate observation by a teacher to comprehend children's procedures and learning needs. An educator enrolled in the unique education field plays a crucial role in advancing and expanding exceptional students' education needs. Through digital techniques and advancements, teachers gain knowledge and skills to pull through in the world of impatience. Embracing technology makes the special classes more fun making the teachers determined, resourceful, inventive, and dedicated throughout handling special children (Odom et al., 140). The motivation that comes from technology advancements motivates the educators of special children to become more responsible, and consequently, students can achieve eminence despite their limiting conditions.
Educating teachers in this century should be detailed enough to adequately equip individuals to meet school and inclusive classroom challenges and opportunities. The designers and deliverers of these programs and the receivers must comprehend the differences and complexities of individuals in school (Morton et al., 110). For instance, in Waikato's university, there is an inclusive education paper that handles various student differences in content. This paper focuses on inspiring teachers and students to value and celebrate diversity. In all teaching areas, teacher commitment and passion are key elements in establishing how students engage with content.
Effective teachers understand the subject well, and therefore, linguists are essentially suited to teaching languages. In this context, the values of inclusion's experiences and perspectives are rightfully placed on educating and advocating on it (Slee 168). Unlike the regular subjects, inclusion requires more time to focus on. Every teacher is objected to inspect their points of view and determine how classroom role models can demonstrate children's acceptance and understa...
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