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Immigration In The United States Of America

Essay Instructions:

write an essay to show how immigration would be the most important problem that America will face in the coming decade.

ps: please use those two books for work cited and find another work cited inside the other sources

1st book: coming to america: A new life in a New land, edited by kartharine Emsden

2nd book: opposing view points Illegal immigration

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Immigration in the United States How immigration would be the most important problem that America will face in the coming decade Immigration has been a contentious or controversial issue in the United States over the past few years. While some people seem to accept them, others do not, such as the president, Donald Trump. Trump’s perceptions on immigration has made some of the Americans have varying acuities or opinions on whether to accept immigrants or not. Since he entered office, Trump has tried every possible means and methods to ensure immigrants are removed from the country completely. He once made a remark when he rejected a proposal to resolve the status of some individuals who were facing deportation. To protect them, he suggested for more constraints on legal migrants from some parts of the world such as Africa and the Caribbean. Before doing so, he had already asked for the removal of a million immigrants. Consequently, this has made Americans have varying viewpoints on the issue of immigration. While some seem to have no issue with immigrants in the nation, others tend to agree with president Trump’s demands on their removal. His tenacity on the removal of immigrants in the country has made it difficult for the issue to come to an end. “Trump’s insistence on immigration restrictions may have increased the odds of a confrontation next week when Congress must vote on a measure to fund agencies or risk a partial government shutdown” CITATION Mar18 \l 1033 (Mascaro). Assertions have been brought up on immigration regarding how immigration will have a drastic influence on the society. Immigration is thought of as to not only have an impact on the economy of the United States, but also on the living conditions of the individuals. Having oscillated or fluctuated throughout the 20th century as a result of wavering economic conditions, many immigrants were able to enter the United States due to the changes made by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. The quality of life of many Americans lately has been negatively impacted on due to the increase in population. This is the sole reason why President Trump wants the immigrants removed from the country. Illegal immigration has increased massively in the United States because successive Congresses and Presidents decided they want it. Trump being the current president, however, does not want immigrants in the United States thus he is working to ensure they are extradited completely from the country. Conversely, immigration has reinforced the growth and vivacity of the economic state of the U.S. Immigrants and refugees do not come to another country due to the problems and challenges they face in their countries such as insecurity, natural causes, war and drought among others. Some come to further their education or for career opportunities since the United States offered everyone the chance to better themselves. “When people heard that America offered everyone the opportunity to better themselves by jobs and education, many decided to start a new life in this ‘golden land’ CITATION Ems93 \l 1033 (Emsden). Some of them are also entrepreneurs, taxpayers and job creators. As some people thought that they bring down the economy of the United States, what they do seems to be quite the opposite. Immigrants and refugees pay their taxes like other natives. They also add monetary value to the GDP of the nation and therefore, their economic importance promises to multiply in the coming decades. The country should instead consider providing a path to citizenship to illegal immigrants. Having immigrants in the country also h...
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