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Discuss Why Iagos Plans Are Successful (For The Most Part)

Essay Instructions:

Background: In Othello, many characters profess their "love" for each other, in many senses marriage, loyalty, friendship. Almost all of these relationships fail in one way or another. What goes wrong between these characters? How do their personalities or their traits lead to their tragic ends?
Your Task: In a 4-5 page, double spaced, typed essay, examine one of the main characters from Othello. You must use at LEAST three sources and include many well chosen quotes from the play and a list of works cited.
Remember the "so what?" factor- you are explaining not only what you see in the story but also what you think is significant about the observations; what do these characters reveal about human psychology or relationships? How do they help us understand something about the play, ourselves, others, or the world we live in?
Tailor the essay question to your specific topic, in this length of paper, you cannot cover all the relationships. Choose a focus and make thesis specific.
Specific Topic: Discuss why Iagos plans are successful (for the most part); why do his manipulations and deceptions work so well?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Colonialism and Missionary Work
When referring to topic of colonialism, it is very hard not to mention the role Britain played. British colonies were large as they were good explorers at the time, covering even regions such as what is currently the United States. one of the most intriguing element of the process of colonialism associated with the British was that of religion. This is relative to the fact that, Religion played a very crucial in the suppression of the natives wherever the British royals sort colonies (muchemwa, silence). Invasion of the British explorers in the various part of the world involved three main aspects, that is, civilization, commerce and Christianity. The British were keen on disseminating Christian faith and values across all of its colonies. To better unify the natives in the areas where the British explorers were interested, they would bring up the element of converting the people into Christians. In some of the cases the colonizers would come to the natives in the name Christianity and spreading the good word and then they would eventually report home and call in the forces for colonization (muchemwa, silence). One of the best ways some of the themes are presented in the current society is through film. This is part of the cultural preservation and a way of expression. Films have been instrumental in bringing out most of the issues in the society. Some of the two films that best represent the element of religion and colonialism are the Black Robe and The Mission. The films bring out some of the basics of colonialism associated with the British approach in converting the natives to Christianity (muchemwa, silence). However, the most important aspects of the paper are associated with the challenges that missionaries faced in their quest.
The Films
Black Robe
Released in the year 1991, This is a film is representative of the seventieth century, with reference to converting natives to Christianity. In the film, which is set in New France, missionaries have duty of helping the natives to embrace Christianity. Most of the locals in the film were Indians. The story revolves around Jesuit who is a young priest and is going around the Canadian countryside in the winter. His journey also involves travelling up the St. Lawrence River to establish contact with the Huron nation. He is on a mission to Huron after getting his proposal approved By Captain Champlain called Jean Brousseau ("Black Robe (1991) - Synopsis"). The film documents some of the struggles that the missionaries go through on their journey.
The Mission
The film is set during the Jesuit reduction, in which missionaries set out on missions to go and convert natives to Christianity. In the film is a Spanish Jesuit priest named Father Gabriel who is seen to go South America through the jungle as part of his mission to make sure he is able to convert some of the locals to Christianity ("The Mission (1986) - Synopsis"). This is a film that also represents one of the most conflicting element of colonization where the colonists would use their power to overrun the villages and the missionary ventures to establish their rule in these areas ("The Mission (1986) - Synopsis").
Christianity for the majority of the British missions in the places that the forces would establish the rule of the Queen was seen as the basis for civilization. This means that, for the natives to be colonized, there was need for the colonialists to convert them to Christians ("The Philosophy Of Colonialism: Civilization, Christianity, And Commerce | Violence In Twentieth Century Africa"). It was part of the Anglo-Saxon framework for morality. This is to mean that, for most of the missions, the aspects of uniformity were largely crucial to make sure that the colonialists could be in a position to interact with the communities. Ideally the colonialists would use religion as frontier for bring the natives under their control. In the two films, there is reference to the use of religion and specifically Christianity. This is with reference to the work that the priests are doing in the films. The priests in the two films are seen to take up missions where they travel in the quest to make the...
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