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Humour in Chaucer's "The Miller's Tale" and Today's Literature

Essay Instructions:

After reading The Miller's Tale by Chaucer (available here: Chaucer_Millers-Tale.pdf Download Chaucer_Millers-Tale.pdf

Write an essay that argues
1. that today's literature (based on what you've read for the class) still has some humor
2. that today's literature (based on what you've read for the class) is decidedly humorless

This requires some comparison and contrast among the assigned readings, but also you have to present the argument that Chaucer's "Miller's Tale" is funny.
The key to the assignment is in understanding that we can use stories to back up points. The stories, including poems, act as evidence, and the points are commentary.
Your essay has a single comment in mind, its thesis, its argument.
That argument is going to be a pro or con in this case.
In coming up with literary arguments, there's really no end to the kinds of things people want to prove.
I'm trying to help in some way, so I'm suggesting an argument that could easily be supported or counterargued.
So in your essay you'll want to establish that Chaucer's Miller's Tale is funny. You get to summarize it a little bit and explain its purpose, which is to say the purpose of the humor in the story.
It's pretty hard to argue something other than THAT the exposure to foolishness teaches us to be less foolish.
Then you can think about the other stories and literature that we've come across in the class, some of which you may have found independently. And you can compare what you find by summarizing a little bit of two or three choices.
The job of your commentary is to explain what is similar to Chaucer's intent versus what you find in the intent of these authors that you have chosen.
There is no right answer. This is just practice and how to use evidence. So think back to the early pages of the course textbook, which talks about literary essays. I'm just trying to give you an easy to argue thesis.

Your essay should really be a minimum of 1500 words, closer to 2000. To get that length, you need only choose additional evidence, like another story or poem or two from the readings...in order to use them to help make your claim about the presence of humor...
This is just a source for finding references (evidence), You can find evidence in this book.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Humour in Chaucer's "The Miller's Tale" and Today's Literature
Humour has been a part of literature for ages. In the ancient ages, when Geoffrey Chaucer, "the father of English literature," attained the reader's attention, the tradition of comic writing was established. The world underwent radical social, cultural, political, and environmental challenges, changing the writers' and readers' perspectives. However, with changing intentions of the writer and purposes of literature, irony and humour continued to occupy literary arts. When literarily travelling from ancient times to the current, poets and authors used humour in different ways with different or similar intentions to amuse their readers and achieve several aims. When comparing Chaucer's humorous poem "The Miler's Tale" with today's humorous literature, the authors and poets use a comical tone, literary devices, and behaviour to ironically disclose the bitter realities of social life. At the same time, Chaucer does the same by mainly developing foolish characters, paradoxically teaching wisdom to the medieval reader.
Miller's Tale by Chaucer is a fabliau attempted to unveil medieval society with its corrupt moral atmosphere. The poet develops cartoon-like characters who deliver a hilarious climax by doing acts of trickery and cheating. For example, John's wife cheats on him with a scholar, Nicholas, by scheming a trick against John. They insert the idea in John's head that an incredibly heavy flood is approaching, so they have to plan to save themselves by fastening buckets to the ceiling. Meanwhile, the treacherous lovers plan to make love in John's bed (Chaucer 5). They play another trickery when making Absolon a fool by demanding a kiss. Both Alisoun and Nicholas present their butt to him for the kiss, and the latter gets branded by poker as a result (Chaucer 7). Both tricks result in a loud noise, alerting John to cut the rope of his bucket, and he falls on the floor, creating further noise. The whole situation is highly hilarious, achieved by mainly the foolish characters like John, his wife, and the clerks. Although the poet incorporates rich imagery, twisting of plot, and narration to pronounce the funny elements, the foolish characters are the primary source of amusement for the medieval reader, accustomed to a society full of treachery.
One of the best examples of today's humorous literature include "Problems with Hurricanes." It is a poem about the connection of death with dignity. The poet compares two different ways of dying of natural calamities. One of them is reality-based such as "death by drowning" and slamming "against a mountain," which attaches honour to the dead (Abcarian 2589). The other is coming from the poet's imagination like "killed by a flying banana," mango, or avocado, which are threatening the atmosphere like "projectiles" (Abcarian 2589). Although the poet discusses a severe matter, his tone is funny as he uses fruit as a source of death. Also, he declares in the poem that it will be hilarious to die of a flying fruit as an "ultimate disgrace" (Abcarian 2590). The poem is satirical, where the author mocks the incident of dying of natural disasters in a funny tone. The title also invites a severe natural disaster, "hurricane," which has killed countless people since the beginning of this world. However, the horrible hurricane in his poem is that of fruits rather than "noise," "wind," and "water" (Abcarian 2590). He asks man to be less terrorized by natural disasters than fruit hurricanes and appreciate the death planned by God. Besides, the poet uses comical imagery to produce amusement. For example, the flying banana hits the human head and kills him on the spot (Abcarian 2589). It creates a visual in the reader's mind, which brings laughter. Hence, he achieves the poem's humour by using a comical tone, amusing imagery, ironical paradoxes, and mockery of human behaviour.
Another example of how humour is still present in the current literature is the short story "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid. "Girl" is an ironic comedy story setting two characters in conversation – a mother and a daughter. The mother is alert to realizing that her girl is maturing. She begins to teach and instruct her to become a dignified lady in her society. She describes a series of commands consisting of what to do and what not to do (Abcarian 262). She does not care whether the girl is interested in listening to her or fulfilling her orders. When the girl interrupts, "but I don't sing benna in Sunday school." She overlooks it and goes ahead, educating her on sewing a button (Abcarian 262). The mother is busy with the robotic conversation style, passing on something she received from her parents. Also, she emphasizes her duties as a girl, like doing domestic tasks and protecting her virginity (Abcarian 263). She is least interested in how the girl receives her commands, whether she acts upon them or not, and whether she is already a sensible girl. All she had to do was mechanically transfer something to girls, inevitably transferring from one generation to another in ...
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