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Human versus robotic space missions (ESS 102)

Essay Instructions:

I will support the side of sending humans on future missions instead of robotic missions. 1.5 spacing Instructions attached as pdf files. Thanks!


ESS 102- Discussion Write up Debate: Wednesday, April 9, 2014 Write-up due: 11:20 in Canvas

We will have an in-class debate on April 9th on the topic of human versus robotic space missions.

If your student number ends in an even number, you will support the side of sending humans on future missions instead of robotic missions. If your student number ends in an odd number, you will support the side of focusing on robotic missions.

Each student must participate in the debate in order to receive credit. Please research the topic and be prepared to share supporting statements for your side as well as refute arguments made by the opposing side.

You will submit, through Canvas, a 1-page summary of the supporting arguments for your side, to use as notes for during the debate. This may be done in either paragraph form or with bullet points. Citations must be provided for each of your statements, as well as a list of references at the end of the write-up. No quotes. Please use size 12 font, 1.5 spacing, 1" margins. You should bring a copy of this to class with you to refer to during the debate. Note brought to class or emailed notes will not be accepted in place of the Canvas turn-in.

It is suggested that you watch the following video and read the following interview in preparation for the debate. There are some excellent arguments given in the panel discussion by Bill Nye (the science guy), Neil Degrasse Tyson, Pamela Gay, and Lawrence Krausse (video) and by Elon Musk (interview).

http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=WZw5Vz_imPM http://www(dot)wired(dot)com/wiredscience/2012/10/ff-elon-musk-qa/all/

You are also encouraged to look up additional reference material. Your grade will be determined by the quality of the arguments, the thoroughness of your arguments, and the variety of references you use.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Human versus robotic space missions
In looking at the debate on whether to send humans or robots on space mission, the cost and benefits of either option should inform decisions. The risks of sending robots may outweigh the benefits especially when no previous attempts have been made. Thus, human experience should be preferred to robots. In human exploration, people are capable of carrying out more studies and samples, while robots cannot react on such discoveries. In any case, robots typically require human guidance for them to function properly highlighting the need for human exploration over robot exploration. This paper focuses on reasons for sending humans on future missions instead of robotic missions
According to the James Randi Foundation, there are typically four to five astronaut missions in a year, and some space ships like the Columbia have broken down (James RandiFoundation). This underlines the importance of having humans during flying given the rarity of the events and ability to improvise...
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