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Human and Non-Human Representation in Myths

Essay Instructions:

Prompt 1 How are relationships between humans and non-humans represented in myths? Discuss with reference to species hierarchies, multi-species interactions, or the symbolic role occupied by certain creatures in mythology.

Prompt 2 How do contemporary adaptations of myths respond to modern concerns such as global warming, racism, colonialism, gender justice, indigenous rights? Discuss at least one of these issues with reference to a text from the syllabus.

The essay should be 5 double-spaced pages, Times New Roman font size 12.

It is recommended that you follow the MLA norms for research papers. Links to an external site.If you are using a different reference system please be consistent throughout the paper.

You must cite everything you borrow from others – literary texts, images, information found in books, the internet, lectures, and class slides.

You should not receive help from anyone other than your instructors and the Rutgers writing center staff. You can consult with your instructor during office hours or by appointment to discuss your paper before the submission deadline.


Essay structure (25 pts)

The essay should have an introduction with:

- a good hook

- a clear thesis. Aim to provide a one-sentence thesis statement.

- an outline of the essay

The argument should be developed in distinct paragraphs, with good transitions between different ideas. The essay should have a thought-provoking conclusion where you (a) sum up your arguments (b) present directions for further thinking on the topic.

Writing skills (25 pts)

The essay should be written in a clear language using the appropriate quotation methods and appropriate formatting.

Close-reading and engagement with texts (25 pts)

You are expected to use the tools of literary analysis to analyze in-depth the texts under study. Your essay should identify literary tropes (repetitions, metaphors, personifications, alliterations, etc.) Excerpt relevant lines from the text and explain their significance to your argument. You are expected to quote relevant passages, make meaningful connections between texts, and highlight the importance of studying myth.

Originality (25 pts)

The originality of your paper is assessed by the connections you make between the texts, the analysis you bring to them, and/or associations you choose to make between the literary texts we have studied in class and others you may have read/accessed in other formats (such as film, podcasts etc) or real-world events.

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Human and Non-Human Representation in Myths
How are relationships between humans and non-humans represented in myths? Discuss with reference to species hierarchies, multi-species interactions, or the symbolic role occupied by certain creatures in mythology.
Historically, philosophers and historians have always used myths to represent and understand the relationship between humans and non-humans, including animals, plants, and supernatural beings. The myths have been used to represent the relationship between humans and the natural world and how they have been represented through hierarchical interactions. The relationships are complex and vary depending on the social and cultural values they represent. Non-humans such as gods, spirits, animals, or even monsters are represented in myths as allies or adversaries of humans. Myths display the hierarchy or mythical kingdom to have a supreme god, and the other creatures follow, as the essay discusses.
Myths outline clearly the hierarchical representation of humans and non-humans in their world. They design a world with human and non-human representation following a specific hierarchy (Wilke,68). In mythical setups, gods are supreme beings in that kingdom. The gods are supernatural beings with superpowers that no other creature would match. They control everything that happens, including causing rains and bumper harvests and giving and taking away lives. All other creatures, humans and non-humans, have to respect the directives of their gods by obeying and doing all they want. The gods have their hierarchy in their spiritual world, which the humans and other creatures have no extensive understanding of since they interact little with the rest of the humans and non-humans. They always want to remain synonymous so that all the others can respect and follow their rules. Humans come second on the hierarchy since they contain the knowledge and understanding hence put above animals and plants. Humans must care for other creatures and create a good relationship to ensure their world is peaceful (Wilke,70). They care for the animals, are portrayed as their friends, care for the plants, and ensure they improve the world. Humans should also show others how to respect the gods and follow their commands.
Most traditional mythologies consider humans as intellectual beings able to rule, think and act. Animals and plants follow since they cannot think and lead others. Animals are portrayed as good friends to humans and even serve and feed them in their heads. However, these myths are based on the cultural society they are created since, in some setups, animals are treated as sacred and rank higher in the hierarchy than humans (Watts,27). In this case, the myths challenge the hierarchical view and composition of the natural world by portraying humans as submissive creatures while animals and plants are supreme. Some mythologies see animals as sacred beings with unique powers and abilities, putting them higher in the hierarchy. Some even take them as their gods and see them as their guides and protectors. Humans have to honor and respect them due to the powers they possess. As supernatural creatures, animals have been portrayed to own the natural world and control all its happenings. Humans have to follow and do according to their commands. In the animal kingdom, there is the supreme of all the animals, and they follow each other based on their powers down the hierarchy.
Myths also portray the existence of other non-human entities with a completely different level of existence (Watts,28). In most cultural settings and societies, the myths show the gods and goddesses as sacred and with a higher level of existence than humans. Humans and other creatures must worship and honor the supreme beings accordingly. They are even required to offer sacrifices to the gods to appease them and cleanse themselves from any wrongs they may have done or go against the gods' commands. Humans feared that these gods might turn into other creatures such as animals hence considered them powerful and containing more wisdom. They would therefore maintain a good relationship with all the creatures as they extend their respect to the non-human creatures. Humans often struggle against the powers of non-human beings as they are not easily identifiable and may become threatening to humans (Smith et al.). For instance, Greek mythology has portrayed monsters and gods as ...
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