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Human Intelligence And Technology

Essay Instructions:

Dear writer, you write for my previous paper about the film Matrix. I will be very happy if you remember it. Just like the previous essay, where you anaylze the film with regard to a topic (you chose Theology in the Matrix if I remembered correcly), then analyze more with related to the required readings.

This time, everything is the same but we are going to analyze two films together, which are the Wargames and 2001: space odysessy. The links for the movies and required readings for these two films are provided below.

For now, what I need is just a paper abstract. The abstract should specify the title of the paper, the topic/questions to be addressed, a tentative list of the movies that will be analyzed,

and a 300-600 word abstract that describes the key aspects of the paper.

Film link:

The Wargames: https://vimeo(dot)com/groups/349208/videos/152524870

2001 Space Odysessy: https://m(dot)pangzitv(dot)com/vod-play-id-38370-src-1-num-1.html


2001 Space Odysessy: ThePhilosophyofScienceFictionFilm, page 119, Chapter name: 2001 A Philosophical Odysessy

The Wargames: Scharff-PhilosophyofTechnology, Chapter 52, starting from page631

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Human Intelligence And Technology
The films 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and Wargames (1983) center on the overarching themes of philosophy of technology and human intelligence. The two films are important in explaining the abilities of human intelligence to make and control technology. In modern society, technology has been glorified to the extent of replacing basic human intelligence. 2001: Space Odyssey presents a scenario of how humans have trusted and relied on new technologies and the upheavals resulting from the overdependence such as death (Wolfram n.p). While Stanley Kubrick, the director of Space Odyssey, seems to enhance our appreciation of human perceptual faculties, he sets a challenge for humans to think beyond the conventional human intelligence and ideas that disconnect us from our everyday experience of the natural world through technology (Stoehr 119). The Wargames film shows a young and intelligent boy, David, whose tactics in hacking computers put him in trouble with the military soldiers for almost causi...
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