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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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Human Connection and Communication

Essay Instructions:

Via a TED presentation in 2012, {https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/sherry_turkle_alone_together#t-1168971}psychologist Sherry Turkle

shared her beliefs about technology’s evolving role in our

lives and its effects on human connection. Turkle urged her

audiences to “think deeply about the new kinds of

connection we want to have.”

Your task is to compose a 3-5-page personal narrative that

features the following aspects of your relationship with

technology and how you use it to connect with others:

• Your introduction to technology and/or a significant

moment in your life with technology

• The evolution of technology’s role in your life from

past to present

• Ways you presently use technology to connect with

others and how you imagine yourself connecting

with others in the future with technology

Follow the writing format of the Modern Language

Association (MLA)

• 1” margins

• Times New Roman (or similar) font

• 12 point font size

• Double-spaced lines

• Proper header

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Human Connection and Communication
Introduction to Technology
As far as the modern society goes, technology has been a reliable tool through which people have sought to make their lives easier. This is the case for household technologies such as dishwashers and vacuum cleaners that make cleaning easier and is also the case for social networking platforms that make it easier to meet and talk to people. In every sense, technology is a powerful tool that essentially provides human beings with a more efficient way (arguably even a shortcut) to achieve their goals and optimize their lives. This is clearly manifested in the how every technology today seems to help individuals avoid the hard and often dreaded aspects of their lives by providing an easier method through which they can live, communicate, and co-exist in society. As such, it becomes clear that technology is a tool designed to make life easier not necessarily by improving how people live it (or making them more skilled at it), but by helping them avoid the hard things about life.
A Significant Moment with Technology. One of the most significant moments in my life with technology was when I first joined Facebook. In my life, Facebook was a transformative tool in my life because it enabled me to explore opportunities that I could not have explored prior to joining the network. Facebook allowed me to strike up a conversation with anyone I wished to at any time. Admittedly, this is not possible in reality due to a plethora of factors that range from feeling scared and nervous to other people having a bad mood and everything in between. In this way, the technology of Facebook allowed me to pursue my social goals without having to put myself, my emotions, or my ego on the line as is the case in face-to-face...
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