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How "Zine: Chinese Protest Recipes" Addresses a Sensitive Historical Issue of Racism

Essay Instructions:

Discussion 2: Prewriting for the Genre Analysis Essay This week we're going to begin working on the Genre Analysis essay, building upon our discussions and study of zines thus far. Instructions for this week's discussion: 1) First select one of our assigned zines (or a zine of your choosing, including those listed at the back of our syllabus -- but please check with me first). Explain why you are interested in writing about this zine -- what intrigues you about its message, form, content, situation, or issue it addresses? 2) Next, building upon last week's discussion: How is this zine utilizing key conventions / subverting a convention for a specific purpose? That is, beyond identifying that conventions are present / subversions of conventions are present, how and why are these choices intended to "elicit a certain response from a particular discourse community, or address a relevant issue within that discourse community" (see below for quote from Genre Analysis prompt). To start, you might first identify conventions / subversions, what discourse community you think the zine exists within, and what issues exist within that community and the zine addresses. You might also read through the zine, noting which issue(s) it addresses, where it does so, and how it's choosing to do SO. 3) To support your developing argument, identify a particular passage you want to focus on as an illustrative example. Utilize this passage as a primary source of your analysis. You should practice quoting from both this passage and one of the analytical texts we've read thus far (Darms, Piepmeier, or the essay about Gidra) to support your claims. For a model, please refer to Piepmeier's analysis of Jigsaw from last week. 4) By Tuesday of next week, read through your classmates' posts and respond to one -- ideally one that hasn't received any comments yet. What strikes you about your peer's analysis? Do you have any questions about their argument-in-development? Any suggestions for how they might develop it? Do they use any strategies that you would like to use as well? If so, what they are and how do think they would benefit your argument? **Your response should be around 300-500 words. Since this is prewriting for the Genre Analysis essay, I suggest choosing to write about a zine that will want to continue writing about. Due by Sunday, at 11:59pm. Quote from the Genre Analysis Prompt: Your argument should define your assigned text as an example of a specific genre according to one or more key conventions present in this text, and analyze how the text employs, reinterprets, or subverts those conventions in order to elicit a certain response from a particular discourse community, or address a relevant issue within that discourse community. You can choose to write about any zine we have discussed in class; if you would like to write about a different zine, please email me beforehand for approval. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Prewriting for a Genre Analysis
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Zine: Chinese Protest Recipes
This zine addresses a sensitive historical issue of racism. It was inspired by the Back Lives Matter movement, which emerged after the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis security officers. Many people of color, including blacks and Indians, have suffered from racism since pre-colonial America. Witnessing racism in the 21st century is heartbreaking, prompting Clarence Kwan to write the zine. Another exciting thing about this zine that attracted me to writing about it is that it uses a creating approach to express concern about racism. Kwan is a chef who uses food to relate to racism. This jogs the readers’ critical thinking abilities about decoding the deeper meaning in the zine’s content. The choice to use black and white images and a general theme is creative because it symbolizes the black race that has faced racism for a long time. This makes the zine interesting to write about.
Although it subverts from the convention in other instances, the zine utilizes fundamental zine conventions. First, the zine addresses a single issue of racism based on the Black Lives Matter movement following Floyd’s murder. It also is free and can be accessed online without paying. The zine is also short and comprises 43 pages only, covered with written texts and images that explain various racial injustices (Kwan, 2020). These cover the convention rules of zine preparation where it should cover a narrow subject, short in length, and non-commercial.
However, it takes a unique approach by using cooking to relate to the racial injustices. Traditionally, zines take a single subject matter and cover it comprehensively due to its short length and coverage (Chidgey, 2020). C...
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