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How Various Characters in Disney Books Grow from Childhood to Adulthood

Essay Instructions:


In your initial post, identify the text or group of texts that you found most interesting, surprising, or disturbing and provide a brief (one to two sentence) explanation. Then select one of the discussion questions to begin a closer examination of the texts. In follow up posts throughout the remainder of the week, respond to your colleagues and explore as many of the remaining discussion starter questions as possible.

●     Most of us are familiar with the Disney versions of the fairy tales. What did you notice about the original tales that give the tales a much darker and more dangerous character? How are men's  desires portrayed in these tales? Most of the men, except the huntsmen, are depicted as ineffective or foolish. What is behind these depictions of men that are typically cast in the role of the hero?

●     While not much more developed, each of the female characters embarks on a journey. What do the journeys of Snow White, Red Riding Hood, and Gretel have in common? What role does food play in their transformations  from girls to women? How do the mothers, both biological and step, transform? What role does food play in their transformation? What must each sacrifice as part of her journey?

●     Updike sets his tale in a public place of commerce in which women are allowed to take part in public life. What stands out to you as you think about the dynamics between the men who work in the A&P and the women who shop there? What does the story reveal about American mid-century tastes and shopping habits? How should we interpret Sammy? In what ways is he different from the other men especially Stoksie, Lengle and the butcher, McMahon who work in the A&P?

●     We encounter different predators in these tales, Which characters both male and female would you classify as a predator?  What do these predators reveal about carnal desires and cultural norms about sexuality?

●     Consider the girls who walk into the store in their bathing suits. Are they asserting their agency and autonomy or are they challenging the status quo of the small community? At which point, does Sammy stop seeing them as  eye candy? What larger significance this moment reflect?

●     Mother daughter relationships are often the focus of many tales. Consider the tale Tan presents to her readers. What stands out to you as you consider the themes of sacrifice and love in the excerpt? What connections can be made to the fairy tales? What might be the significance of the connections that cross time and cultures?

Remember to keep your initial contribution focused and concise in a paragraph of two to invite dialogue that allows us to develop a thoughtful analysis that considers multiple perspectives and responses. Provide brief references or direct quotation to a particular passage that is central to your contribution.

By the end of the week, you should have engaged in conversations about each of the texts using the discussion questions as a starter that allows for an in-depth analysis of each text.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
Role of Food in Growth from Children to Adults
We start as children and progressively develop into adults. The transition from childhood to adulthood frequently depends on various internal and external circumstances. The suggestions made by parents and other family members play a significant role in this change. In life, parents' responsibilities go beyond only giving their children food and shelter; they also have to support them through every stage of life. According to Piaget's theory of the four stages of cognitive development, a child's cognitive growth goes through the primary sequences: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational (Cherry). Reading the Disney book excerpts allows us to make a variety of observations about how the various characters grow from childhood to adulthood, the influences of their settings, and the presence or absence of their parents.
Little did she survive to see her grow, but Snow White's mother had these words in mind for what she imagined her daughter would look like: "Lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, skin as white as snow." Snow White is forced into maturity after her mother's death due to the Evil Queen's resentment. She becomes more mature and wiser than before with each obstacle she overcomes. Hansel and Gretel from the Brothers Grimm's "Hansel and Gretel" are compelled to live and survive alone in the forest, where they kill or get killed. They forfeit their innocence and moral principles in the process. Even murder will not deter them in the future (The Brothers Grimm). Hansel and Gretel discover in the end that parental love is conditional and can only be obtained via wealth; no moral issues such as murder are consistent with the adage "to eat or be eaten, to kill or to be killed."
Hansel continues his father's legacy as the shining example of the perfect German man of the 19th century. He makes all of the choices for his sister and himself. Without attempting to calm her down, Hansel tells his...
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