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How Does Exercising Impact the Individual and Society

Essay Instructions:

Synthesis Writing
Synthesis writing involves incorporating partial summaries from your sources, but a synthesis is not simply a collection of summaries on the same topic. Rather than organizing information by source, a synthesis organizes information based on the relationships among texts.
Develop claims based on the readings that are relevant to the writing prompt. As you revise each draft, you will hone what you want to focus in on your paper.
In your readings, you should make note of how texts relate to one another and what themes and relationships you see emerging. The careful notes, mind maps, and keyword matrices you create will help you to identify themes and relationships among the texts.
Draft 1 Guidelines
Compose at least one body paragraph
Incorporate at least 2 sources in this first draft of your paper from this 3 sources
Focus on forging connections - the claim and concluding ideas in this initial draft will most likely change by draft 2
Cite your sources using in-text citations and present a Works Cited page in MLA format.
This draft should be at least 300 words, not including the references page.
What impact does exercising have on us?
You may want to start your discussion based on the individual and in your concluding thoughts derive the significance of this activity on society.
Constructing an Argument
Possible structure of a synthesis paragraph:
claim - arguable, focused but not too specific connection you've derived between the sources
evidence (quote, paraphrase, and/or summary) and viewpoint of sources (e.g. AB, ABC, AC)
analysis + discussion of the significance in relation to yourself or your audience
You might have a couple paragraphs that synthesize in support and then one or two that focus on counter-arguments against your overall thesis
Grading Criteria - Rubric
Content (30%)
Answers the question clearly and coherently
Includes a clear topic sentence
An attempt is made to link ideas together logically and coherently.
Content is relevant and thoughtfully developed
Does not plagiarize the author’s language (extensive changes should be made from the original language of the text)
Adheres to synthesis length guidelines: Draft 1 (minimum 300 words), and Final Draft (600-800 words)
Reference (20%)
Makes good use of paraphrase
Shows clear evidence of knowledge of MLA or APA citation style
Contains a work cited page
Includes a maximum of one full quotation from the text
Uses MLA conventions correctly, including punctuation with quotations
No plagiarism
Language (25%)
Clause structure: relative and subordinating clauses (mixed)
Sentence structure: run-ons (ro), comma splices (cs), fragments (frag), and punctuation (p)
Nouns: Plural and singular forms of nouns (num), articles (art), pronouns which match and refer to clearly identifiable nouns (ref, agr)
Verbs: Verb tense, including literary present (t), verb forms (vb), and subject-verb agreement (sv)
Vocabulary: Some precision and ability to use idiomatic language
Good control of word form and prepositions
Organization (25%)
Topic sentences are used to good effect. They are relevant, arguable and specific.
Paragraphs flow logically from point to point.
There is some use of transitions and reference.
Paragraphs contain one controlling idea that has been fully developed.
Sufficient context is provided before evidence

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Subject and Section
Professor’s name
Physical Activity: A Necessity That We Need
A busy society is composed of occupied individuals whose schedules are often hectic, without extra time allotted to other meaningful activities. The notion that people are “too busy” prevents them from becoming productive to the maximum extent because they are prone to burnout. The key to preventing such occurrences is to inject a little bit of physical activity a few times a week. Exercise has been proven to maintain a sense of purpose in life by enhancing physiologic functions, including mental, emotional, and physical well-being, allowing them to become more efficient and less aggressive and build a positive outlook. All of these are critical in battling the negativity in the society, allowing exercise to become a critical factor in promoting a positive transformation to an excellent society.
One of the physiological effects of physical activity is a significant improvement in mental and emotional states. In a study conducted in the United States, generally healthy people ages 20 to 45 years who were assigned to do moderate aerobic exercise (i.e., walking, jogging, biking) for 35 minutes had an exemplary improvement in their mood, specifically their anxiety and depression scales. Moreover, this also significantly decreased their anger and hostility threshold CITATION Rey20 \l 1033 (Reynolds).
Another essential aspect of mental health positively influenced by exercise is cognitive function, specifically attention and memory. In a TED Talk by Wendy Suzuki, a neuroscientist who dedicated her scientific investigations on the brain-changing effects of physical activity, she explained that regular, long-term exercise could help create new brain cells in the hippocampus area, which is critical in forming and retaining long-term memories. Moreover, this also applies to the prefrontal cortex, responsible for making informed decisions and maintaining focus and attention CITATION TED18 \l 1033 (TED).
Furthermore, Suzuki also added that physical activity provides short-term boosts in energy, enhancing the ...
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