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History of Ideas Course

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History Ideas Course
History Ideas Course
Darwin’s work was carefully thought out from the start. The Origin of Species if carefully looked at contains aspects of opinion that allow a scientific point of view to the theory of creation. Throughout Darwin’s works the theory of evolution is separate from the theory of creation. However, the origin of evolution as a theory is not possible without the explanation of the species’ origin. A religious point of view for most people collaborated with Darwin’s theory but only on the fact that both the processes of evolution and creation had natural characteristics.
Darwin’s theory of evolution basically seeks to prove that humans and all other species on the planet are influenced by changes in the environment that cause an alteration in their DNA which causes mutations over a period of time. These mutations have an influence on the anatomy of species that are meant to make survival in their respective environments much easier. Darwin’s theory that the evolution theory is much more precise than the theory of creation according to the Bible was the cause of controversy. Darwin clearly understood how the theory of creation worked when he wrote the Origin of Species in 1859 (Cosans 368). Due to his intention to challenge the theory of creation according to the Bible, Darwin knew that his work was going to be accepted by the community although it would only achieve the impact it was intended to through controversy. The first objections to Darwin’s theories were openly objected by anatomist, Richard Owen. Owen couldn’t understand how Darwin’s theory was supposed to make sense if the origin of its argument based its roots from the religious theory of creation. As much as Darwin delves into the critical nature of natural selection, an explanation of where the various species we have today came from is not clear. However, Darwin’s theory from a social aspect was subject to challenges in the form of questions about the future. It would be illogical to suggest that Darwin’s theory does not present factual events since paleontological finds have proven existence of different species that possess characteristics that are present in some of today’s organisms (Cosans 371). However, Darwin’s lack of exact explanations into the future of evolution is still a matter that never got addressed.
Darwin expected a reaction from his audience. His way of thinking was quite different and his theory allowed for the imagination of his audience to wander. The confidence exuded by Darwin in his book was quite believable due to his precise explanations of something new that challenged the intellectual nature of human beings. According to John Angus Campbell, any novel idea that poses an intellectual change in its literature must face the "Catch 22" of intellectual change. Darwin’s assumptive approach in his work was the source of a highly persuasive argument that was also equally intelligible. The public’s reaction to Darwin’s work was not a way to start controversy but just a way of understanding what he actually meant. When questions were asked about the accuracy of Darwin’s work, they were not aimed at challenging his point of view but understanding it (Cosans 364). Darwin’s context was a point of comparison between what he believed to be true in relation to what the society believed to be true. In order to provide an intelligible approach to his work Darwin employed very concrete arguments that still pose a challenge to most critics today. Darwin created a concept, related it to religion and went ahead to argue about that religious point of view without losing focus of his argument.
In order to maintain force of argument, Darwin needed to create a creationist point of view that would offer a relationship between him and his intended audience which was mostly religious. Coming up with a new theory needed an intellectual and literary conversant approach to communicate with the intended audience. Darwin’s idea was new in the sense that it provided an uncommon point of view to an existent idea of development or what Campbell referred to as the development hypothesis. Darwin’s theory wasn’t just published without consultation. There is evidence that Darwin anticipated the kind of reaction he did from his audience. Darwin’s grandfather introduced this theory originally. It is evident that Darwin did a lot of research on the types of responses that he expected from the readers of his work. Darwin’s work was made believable by the presence of other major works that involved a general theory of changes in human nature that were further highlighted in Darwin’s Origin of Species. His theory of natural selection was the on...
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