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Here's What Happened: Declaration of Global Pandemic

Essay Instructions:

Narratives are stories; they are the parts of our every day lives. You are finishing the following phrase: "Here's What Happened."

1. Choose an experience or event you can share in some detail; it must be true. The best choices are:

experiences you have had

things that have happened to you

something you have heard often

Make sure it is interesting enough to engage your audience.

2. Organize the content & decide on the most effective chronology for your narrative.

It should include:

A clearly identified event: What happened/ Who was involved?

A clearly described setting: When & where did it happen?

Vivid descriptive details - make it come alive

Consistent POV- who's telling the story?

A clear point: Why does this story matter?

Sources may be necessary depending on the narrative you have decided to write

3. Format: MLA. Length: 4-5 pages not including Works Cited.

4.must use your own word

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The shocking news was announced on March 11, 2020. The World Health Organization has declared a global pandemic (World Health Organization). The coronavirus disease had already taken over almost the entire world, leaving everyone scared of contracting it and dying. I, like everyone else, was affected by the pandemic; I was terrified of what might happen to my loved ones and me, and I had no idea what to do at that moment. As time passes, the news becomes terrifying, the number of victims rises, and there is no known cure for the disease. People in our neighborhood are becoming ill, and several people I know have died.
As 2020 begins, our entire family is preparing for the Chinese New Year. We look forward to this annual event. My relatives have come to our house to celebrate this holiday. Hence, the Chinese New Year is extraordinary. Since most of my cousins are already in college and rarely see each other, it allows me to see them again. Furthermore, I enjoy this holiday because it allows me to spend time with my family as we decorate our homes.
During Chinese New Year, our entire family makes sacrifices for our ancestors. This tradition is a way of thanking our ancestors and asking them to guide and bless us as we begin another year. Then, at dinnertime, we share the sumptuous meals that my mother has prepared. After dinner, our grandfather and grandmother begin to distribute red envelopes and gifts. This part is also one of my favorites. I like the skills I will be receiving, as well as the red envelopes. My other relatives have also begun to present gifts to each family member. We heard loud noises from outside as soon as we opened our gifts. There are fireworks displays and dragon dances on the street. The colorful fireworks and loud sounds that make everyone happy and dance have made this celebration more festive. We bid our goodbyes to our relatives, which marks the end of our celebration.
The beginning of 2020 is blissful and fruitful, but there is news of a virus that has affected a few people. We did not mind the information because we were not involved. However, as time passes, the disease’s reports become terrifying. People are becoming infected at an increasing rate. Furthermore, some of the infected people live in our neighborhood.
Nonetheless, our family remains calm. However, the coronavirus disease was declared a global pandemic in March. This time we are worried. To pray for protection, we offer prayers and offerings to our ancestors (Asif and Majid). We also ensure that our relatives are safe and healthy and remain vigilant. Everyone was panicking before the government declared a lockdown. Most people went to the grocery store to buy necessities because they needed to stock up and prepare for days when they couldn't go out. Like everyone else, we buy everything we need because we believe the lockdown will only last a few days or weeks, so we only buy the most necessary goods.
The government prohibits people from going outside because it is uns...
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