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Guns On Campus: What's Your Position?

Essay Instructions:

What’s Your Position?

For your fourth essay, you will argue for your stance on a controversial issue and support your ideas with academic research. Your topic options are below, and are related to essays from the textbook that we will read for this unit:

Name one place that you think guns should be banned or allowed, and argue your stance. (See "Guns on Campus" in the textbook)

Should some forms of hate speech or threats be outlawed, or is all speech protected by the first ammendment? (See "Putting up with Hate" in the textbook)

Should employers be allowed to discriminate against job applicants based on tattoos and/ or piercings? (See "Judging by the Cover" in the textbbok)

You must use the relevant article from our textbook as one source; the rest of your research for this essay must come from GALILEO databases, which we will go over in class.

Pages 286-303 in your textbook provide information about writing an argumentative essay. Your thesis should make a focused argument about your topic. Each body paragraph will develop a point in support of your thesis and/ or address the opposition. Support will come in the form of facts, statistics, personal testimony, informed opinions, and/or your own opinions or experiences. Remember that a strong argument establishes your credibility and appeals to both emotion and logic. 

Your audience for this essay is the opposition. Write as if you are trying to convince people who disagree with you. You must balance confidence in your own assertions with respect for people who believe differently. 

The key features of an argument paper include:

a clear and arguable position

good reasons

convincing, logical support for each reason

appeal to readers’ values

a trustworthy tone

careful consideration of other positions

The requirements: 

Your essay must be at least 1000 words (that’s about 3 pages).

It should be double spaced, with an MLA-style header.

You must use a minimum of 3 articles; one from the book and two from GALILEO databases. I recommend either Opposing Viewpoints or Academic Search Complete. If you have trouble finding sources, see me or a reference librarian for help.

Your sources must be cited in MLA format in-text, and you must include a Works Cited page that documents your sources using MLA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
As a result of the violence crimes that have been witnessed in Campuses in America, many pro-gun activists have emerged with ideologies that suggest the students and their teachers should carry concealed weapons on Campus. Those who agree with this claim allege that their rights on allowing college students in campuses to carry any form of weapon have been thwarted. Allowing guns in campuses may be the leading cause of other incidences that would affect the course of learning in these institutions (Guns on Campus, 2011). Considering the perspectives of these ideologies, it is not the carrying of guns that is an issue, but rather whether guns should be allowed in campuses. Under the provision of the constitution of the United States of America, citizens have the right to carry weapons. However, is it essential to determine that it is not appropriate to carry firearms in vulnerable areas such as learning institution. It is in this case critical that the right to carry firearms should be held sacred and not be infringed.
Because of the incidences that threatened the security of students, close to 19 state universities undertook measures to initiate legislations that would allow students to carry concealed weapons to campus for protective reasons. In Kansas, two bills were passed that allowed the students to obtain concealed weapons including the faculty (Guns on Campus, 2011). The Kansas legislation, therefore, developed a provision that the Universities and Colleges would not prohibit the carrying of weapons in Campus unless a Campus building had inadequate security measures. Some members of the Governing board in the institution have however requested for the exemption of this legislations. This paper seeks to determine and to refute the legislative measures that have been put in place to allow guns in Campus.
Refuting Claims that Support Guns in Campus
Arguing from the happenings that threatened security in learning institutions, in which a shooting took place in a Campus in Virginia Polytechnic and State University, several attempts have been developed according to Liu, Michelle and Camacho (2015) on allowing campus students to carry firearms within the learning institutions in Kansu’s as a means of self-defense and security. Liu and his colleagues allege that the supporters of this legislations say that the measure which backs the rights to have guns in Campus will in this case help the students who are licensed and above the age of 21 to protect themselves from threats. The Senate in regard to this voted along the party lines against this ideology.
In my view, I fully disagree with the element of having students carry firearms in school for protective measures. In this incidence, a student with the name Seung-Hui Cho opened fire on students who never suspected his attempts by killing 32 students and wounding others before taking his own life. This issue was considered the most dreadful event in the United States with many families considering the fact that students were to be allowed to own guns on campus by being granted concealed carrier permits (Liu, Michelle Camacho, 2015). The primary arguments in this were that it would make the students safer. However, will allowing the students in Campus to carry firearms to protect themselves from such incidences make the learning institutions safer?
Marisol& Bello (2015) argues that the carrying of guns and the firearms being made legal on campus may be a wrong idea and may not make sense in some way. To stop the shootings that happen in Campuses, letting everyone carry firearms may...
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