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2 pages/≈550 words
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English (U.S.)
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Essay Instructions:

Write about what the authors are trying to say use these text: "Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain" by Jessica Mitford and On the Fear of Death Elisabeth Kubler Ross

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Grief is a concept that has been heard of in the society from time to time. Grief is mostly viewed as a negative character whereby it creates a saddening moment in the society. This has created many approaches to present it whereby the management and presence of grief has greatly helped in its familiarization. For instance, authors have presented the themes in books to ensure that the audience to the books is familiar with grief and get to know how to manage it. In the books ‘Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain’ by Jessica Mitford and ‘On the Fear of Death’ by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, grief has been presented as a major theme. It has been presented through the use of different story lines that all help in creating a familiar atmosphere to the theme. The essay therefore, aims at revealing what the authors to the books ‘Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain’ and ‘On the Fear of Death’ entail in their books and how the theme of grief has been featured in the storylines.
In the book ‘On the Fear of Death’ by Elisabeth Kubler Ross, grief has been presented through the epidemics that have that have increased the toll of lives in the past. The loss of lives is a grieving situation and the author has familiarized the audience on how the death has been brought about. Death at infancy was rampant but the invention of medicines and vaccines has helped to eradicated illnesses (Kubler-Ross 479). The author explains how chemotherapy mainly through the use of antibiotics has been used to manage the infections detected on people. However, grief in the book has been presented in the form of the emergence of the emotional challenges of people. Pediatricians face a challenge of people presented to them with emotional ...
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