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Grave affair

Essay Instructions:
I would like to get essay that is three full pages in length without including Name, Course Name, Instructor's Name and Date of Submission. I have attached my teacher instructions for essay. Essay is based on only “Like Water for Chocolate “book. The author is Laura Esquivel. ISBN is 9780385420174. We cannot use outside source. Can you use at least 2 quotations for each body paragraph from “Like Water for Chocolate “book? Can you add page number for the quotations and explain about the quotes? Can you also add personal opinion for about that play and characters? Thank you so much.
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Love is full of surprises, so unreal, and causes the people in love to be inseparable regardless of the situation. Laura Esquivel in her novel called, “like water for chocolate,” provides all the evidence of this fact. She introduces two young adults that are so much in love but their desire of getting married is cut short by the girl’s traditional mother. Tita who was madly in love with her boyfriend Pedro is ordered by the mother to prepare a cake for her sister’s wedding to Pedro. She sheds tears as she prepares the cake and her friend Nacha after tasting the cake is overwhelmed by desire for her former fiancé who had been driven out by Mama Elena’s mother. This quote of the story develops a relationship and complements the theme in the particular chapter. Moreover, the chapter containing this section is in connection to the larger themes that are found in this book.
The quote about the tears in the cake brings great connection to the whole chapter as it explains about Tita’s desire for Pedro. Rosaura was the proposed wife for Pedro by Mama Elena had stuck to old traditions that Tita, being the last-born was to remain unmarried to take care of her until she dies. This had left Tita with no option than to prepare her sister the cake as she mourns for the lost love. Tita prepares the cake yet having hallucinations and desire mixed with bitterness that causes her to cry a lot. The flow of Tita’s tears into the cake causes Nacha to find out if the cake is still good or spoilt after Tita exits. “It occurred to Nacha to lick some of the icing off her finger to see if Tita’s tears had affected the flavor.” This brings a great longing to Nacha for her long gone fiancé. This quote serves as the fundamental information about the great destructive desire that existed between Tita and Pedro (Esquivel, 12). Tita had earlier on had an encounter with Pedro where he confirmed his desire for her. This caused her to cry the more and transfer all her feelings into the cake that turned out to be disastrous.
This quote, which relates to the main theme that is expressed in this chapter of impure affair, shows that love can be demonstrative. The feeling of weakness that Tita experienced and the hallucinations that resulted to the ruining of cake, vomiting and the spoiling of Rosaura’s gown demons...
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